RubyGems Navigation menu

pry 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 pry

fog-ecloud 0.3.0

This library can be used as a module for `fog` or as standalone provider ...

41,212,498 下载

jira-ruby 2.3.0


41,144,299 下载

fog-storm_on_demand 0.1.1

This library can be used as a module for `fog` or as standalone provider ...

41,016,128 下载

version_gem 1.1.4

Versions are good. Versions are cool. Versions will win.

40,635,462 下载

fog-atmos 0.1.0

This library can be used as a module for `fog` or as standalone provider ...

40,450,872 下载

fog-serverlove 0.1.2

This library can be used as a module for `fog` or as standalone provider ...

40,281,629 下载

licensee 9.17.0

Licensee automates the process of reading LICENSE files and compares their contents...

39,504,744 下载

fog-riakcs 0.1.0

This library can be used as a module for `fog` or as standalone provider ...

39,485,789 下载

gitlab-labkit 0.36.0

Instrumentation for GitLab

36,660,672 下载

pry-stack_explorer 0.6.1

Walk the stack in a Pry session

36,579,826 下载

rspec-sidekiq 5.0.0

Simple testing of Sidekiq jobs via a collection of matchers and helpers

36,314,144 下载

device_detector 1.1.2

Precise and fast user agent parser and device detector, backed by the largest and most ...

35,218,870 下载

sendgrid-ruby 6.7.0

Official Twilio SendGrid Gem to Interact with Twilio SendGrids API in native Ruby

34,943,963 下载

license_finder 7.2.1

LicenseFinder works with your package managers to find dependencies, detect the lic...

34,853,570 下载

fuzzyurl 0.9.0

A library for non-strict parsing, construction, and wildcard-matching of URLs.

34,760,432 下载

pry-doc 1.5.0

Pry Doc is a Pry REPL plugin. It provides extended documentation support for the REPL b...

34,273,122 下载

holidays 8.8.0

A collection of Ruby methods to deal with statutory and other holidays. You deserve a h...

30,758,418 下载

watir 7.3.0

Watir stands for Web Application Testing In Ruby It facilitates the writing of automate...

29,344,984 下载

rbvmomi 3.0.0

Ruby interface to the VMware vSphere API

28,762,195 下载

resque-scheduler 4.10.2

Light weight job scheduling on top of Resque. Adds methods enqueue_at/enqueue_in to...

28,079,597 下载

ruby-statistics 3.0.2

This gem is intended to accomplish the same purpose as jStat js library: ...

27,754,433 下载

zip-zip 0.3

In Gem hell migrating to RubyZip v1.0.0? Include zip-zip in your Gemfile and everything...

27,679,925 下载

batch-loader 2.0.5

Powerful tool to avoid N+1 DB or HTTP queries

27,432,401 下载

rails-erd 1.7.2

Automatically generate an entity-relationship diagram (ERD) for your Rails models.

27,246,247 下载

fastlane-plugin-firebase_app_distribution 0.9.1

Release your beta builds to Firebase App Distribution.

27,072,754 下载

pg_search 2.3.6

PgSearch builds Active Record named scopes that take advantage of PostgreSQL's full tex...

27,026,220 下载

pry-remote 0.1.8

Connect to Pry remotely using DRb

26,622,761 下载

prometheus-client-mmap 1.1.1

A suite of instrumentation metric primitives that can be exposed through a web services...

26,440,426 下载

prometheus-client-mmap 1.1.1

A suite of instrumentation metric primitives that can be exposed through a web services...

26,440,426 下载

prometheus-client-mmap 1.1.1

A suite of instrumentation metric primitives that can be exposed through a web services...

26,440,426 下载

下载总量 429,693,433

这个版本 53,288,714



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.0
