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Dépendances inversées pour rack-test Latest version of the following gems require rack-test

omniauth-cas3 1.1.4

CAS 3.0 Strategy for OmniAuth

13 714 453 Téléchargements

omniauth_crowd 2.4.0

This is an OmniAuth provider for Atlassian Crowd's REST API. It allows you to easily i...

13 118 426 Téléchargements

prometheus_exporter 2.1.0

Prometheus metric collector and exporter for Ruby

12 303 643 Téléchargements

paper_trail-association_tracking 2.2.1

Plugin for the PaperTrail gem to track and reify associations

12 244 499 Téléchargements

resque-retry 1.8.1

resque-retry provides retry, delay and exponential backoff support for resque jobs. ...

11 341 913 Téléchargements

shrine 3.6.0

Shrine is a toolkit for file attachments in Ruby applications. It supports uploading, d...

10 402 063 Téléchargements

skylight 6.0.4

Skylight is a smart profiler for Rails, Sinatra, and other Ruby apps.

10 149 180 Téléchargements


LicenseFinder works with your package managers to find dependencies, detect the lic...

9 882 247 Téléchargements

coverband 6.1.2

Rack middleware to measure production code usage (LOC runtime usage)

9 713 319 Téléchargements

jasmine 3.99.0

Test your JavaScript without any framework dependencies, in any environment, and with a...

9 534 188 Téléchargements

opentelemetry-instrumentation-rails 0.30.1

Rails instrumentation for the OpenTelemetry framework

9 291 550 Téléchargements

avro_turf 1.15.0

A library that makes it easier to use the Avro serialization format from Ruby

9 038 590 Téléchargements

rack-pjax 1.1.0

Serve pjax responses through rack middleware

8 858 204 Téléchargements

rspec_api_documentation 6.1.0

Generate API docs from your test suite

8 120 044 Téléchargements

warden-jwt_auth 0.8.0

JWT authentication for Warden, ORM agnostic and accepting the implementation of token r...

7 887 680 Téléchargements

airborne 0.3.7

RSpec driven API testing framework

7 651 808 Téléchargements

split 4.0.4

Rack based split testing framework

7 344 082 Téléchargements

file_validators 3.0.0

Adds file validators to ActiveModel

6 920 154 Téléchargements

committee 5.3.0

A collection of Rack middleware to support JSON Schema.

6 839 128 Téléchargements

rack-ssl-enforcer 0.2.9

Rack::SslEnforcer is a simple Rack middleware to enforce ssl connections

6 353 541 Téléchargements

travis 1.14.0

CLI and Ruby client library for Travis CI

5 745 467 Téléchargements

oauth-tty 1.0.5

OAuth 1.0 TTY Command Line Interface

5 564 970 Téléchargements

delayed_job_web 1.4.4

Web interface for delayed_job inspired by resque

5 491 657 Téléchargements

omniauth-shibboleth-redux 2.0.0

OmniAuth Shibboleth strategies for OmniAuth 2.x

5 282 626 Téléchargements

opentelemetry-instrumentation-sinatra 0.23.4

Sinatra instrumentation for the OpenTelemetry framework

5 257 796 Téléchargements

faye 1.4.0

Simple pub/sub messaging for the web

4 934 504 Téléchargements

oink 0.10.1

Log parser to identify actions which significantly increase VM heap size

4 863 247 Téléchargements

resque-cleaner 0.4.1

resque-cleaner maintains the cleanliness of failed jobs on Resque.

4 763 177 Téléchargements

rack-parser 0.7.0

Rack Middleware for parsing post body data for json, xml and various content types

4 737 936 Téléchargements

turnout 2.5.0

Turnout makes it easy to put your Rails application into maintenance mode

4 473 433 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 547 052 869

Pour cette version 68 126 329



Version de Ruby requise: >= 2.0
