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authorails 1.0.0

AuthoRails is a framework for generating authorizations,tables,relations,scaffolds and ...

6.026 Descargas

authoraise 0.1.3

Authorize without false negatives.

14.236 Descargas

author_engine 0.9.0

Create arcade style games quickly and easily

18.539 Descargas

authoreyes 0.2.4

A powerful, modern authorization plugin for Ruby on Rails featu...

19.463 Descargas


Auth Origin Control checks the origin of the request at app entry

69.027 Descargas

authorio 0.8.7

Rails engine to add IndieAuth authentication endpoint functionality

10.005 Descargas

authoritah 0.1.2

A description of a really simple authorization plugin for Rails.

38.976 Descargas

authoritarian 0.1.0

A command line OAuth authorization tool.

5.290 Descargas

authority 3.3.0

Authority helps you authorize actions in your Rails app. It's ORM-neutral and has very ...

7.437.857 Descargas

authority_engine 0.1.5

Authentication engine for AIHS

5.552 Descargas

authorizable 0.9.2

A gem for rails giving vast flexibility in authorization management.

9.821 Descargas

authorization 1.0.12

Rails 3 compatible rails-authorization-plugin gem

12.687 Descargas

authorization3.0 0.1.0

Converted plugin to gem which will work with association as well.

2.873 Descargas

authorization-endpoint 0.1.5

Deprecated in favor of indieweb-endpoints from 2019-04-24. Discover a URL’s authorizati...

11.734 Descargas

authorization_header_parser 1.1.1

Parses parametrized HTTP Authorization headers

32.584 Descargas

authorization_next 0.1.0

Converted plugin to gem which will work with association as well.

2.873 Descargas

authorization-next 0.1.0

Converted plugin to gem which will work with association as well.

2.861 Descargas

authorization-rails 1.0.13

Rails 3 compatible rails-authorization-plugin gem

17.076 Descargas

authorization-san 2.3.0

A plugin for authorization in a ReSTful application.

35.501 Descargas

authorization-service 0.0.1

Client provider library for the authorization service

3.550 Descargas

authorize 1.0.1

Authorize implements a full-blown Role-based Access Control (RBAC) system for Ruby on R...

26.433 Descargas

authorize_action 1.1.2

Really secure and simple authorization library for your Rails, Sinatra or whatever web ...

11.213 Descargas

authorize_cim 0.1.2

Ruby Gem for integrating Customer Information Manager (CIM)

14.909 Descargas

authorized_keys 1.1.1

Library to manage authorized_keys files

18.559 Descargas

authorized_networks 1.0.2

An easy way to verify IPs are on authorized networkjs.

6.741 Descargas

authorized_persona 0.9.1

AuthorizedPersona is a rails implementation of Betterment's Persona Centric Authorizati...

32.094 Descargas

authorized_rails_scaffolds 0.0.17

Creates scaffolds for Twitter Bootstrap with generated RSpec coverage

64.771 Descargas

authorized_transaction 0.3.0

CanCan supported transaction on top of ActiveRecord

7.434 Descargas

authorize_if 0.1.0

Minimalistic authorization library for Ruby on Rails applications.

12.055 Descargas

authorize_link 1.0.10


2.469 Descargas