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authorize_me 0.1.0

Simple role-based authorization

5.555 Descargas

authorizenet 2.0.1

Authorize.Net SDK includes standard payments, recurring billing, and customer profiles

2.488.774 Descargas

authorize_net 1.0.1

A RubyGem that interfaces with the payment gateway

19.583 Descargas

authorize-net 1.5.2

The Authorize.Net Ruby SDK is meant to offer an alternate object-oriented model of de...

445.489 Descargas

authorizenet_blaq 1.9.4

Authorize.Net SDK includes standard payments, recurring billing, and customer profiles

4.407 Descargas

authorize_net_reporting 1.0.1

Ruby Library to interact with the Transaction Details API

53.882 Descargas

authorizenetsample 1.9.5

Authorize.Net SDK includes standard payments, recurring billing, and customer profiles

61.824 Descargas

authorizer 0.0.6

Authorizer is a gem for Ruby (in conjunction with Rails 2.3) that does authorization fo...

27.012 Descargas

authorize_rbac 0.1.0

Rule Based Access Control gem for Ruby on Rails applications

2.489 Descargas

authorize_when 0.2.0

Super simple authorization system for Rails

10.348 Descargas

authorizme 1.1.2

Authorization that includes basic authorization and 3 social authorization with Latvia ...

59.288 Descargas

Authorizr 0.2.1

Authorizr: A simple controller-centric authorization framework.

13.954 Descargas

authorizy 0.5.0

A JSON based Authorization.

11.313 Descargas

authorr-api 1.0.2

Authorr API for Customers and Authors

7.055 Descargas

authorule 1.2.0

Rule-based programmable permission system.

10.622 Descargas

authoryze 0.0.3

Provides matrix based and role level authorization

4.292 Descargas

authparty-connect 0.0.2

Easily add blockchain-based authorization and identity management to your service.

4.825 Descargas

auth_passport_checkpoint 0.1.1

Checks id at entry: id of users on client apps and on intermediary apps (sso_clyent), i...

145.934 Descargas

auth_passport_office 0.3.0

Devise + Doorkeeper + ApiAUth

70.837 Descargas

authpds 1.1.5

Libraries that use Ex Libris products, can integrate Rails application with PDS to prov...

175.793 Descargas

authpds-nyu 0.2.13

NYU libraries SSO client.

111.014 Descargas

authpilot 0.0.1


3.878 Descargas

authpro 1.1.0

Simple Rails authentication generator

28.717 Descargas

auth_provider 0.0.3

A simple authentication provider for Ruby/Rails app. Designed for mobile clients and is...

6.312 Descargas

auth_proxy 0.1.1

This is a simple reverse proxy for Rack. It is not meant for production systems (althou...

6.037 Descargas

auth-proxy 1.0.2

Auth Proxy App (supports user / pass, oauth2)

6.836 Descargas

authpwn_rails 0.23.0

Works with Facebook.

311.176 Descargas

authql 0.0.0

This gem is intended for use with it's npm package counterpart 'authql'.

2.320 Descargas

authr 0.1.1

Mountable engine with user management and authenthication in your API.

6.367 Descargas

auth_rails 1.1.2

Simple authentication for Rails

1.119 Descargas