RubyGems Navigation menu


autobrewster 0.0.3

Combines PhantomJS and Imagemagick to provide screenshot-based comparison for CSS regre...

11.210 Descargas

auto_browse 0.1.0

auto_browse is a browser driver.

1.038 Descargas

autobuild 1.24.0

Collection of classes to handle build systems (CMake, autotools, ...) and import mechan...

990.083 Descargas

auto_build 0.5.0

Automatically initialize associations in Rails models

52.452 Descargas

autobuilder 1.0.1

automatically build project on file save

7.693 Descargas

autobundle 1.0.0.pre2

RubyGems plugin to bundle up in the warmth of the nearest Gemfile

6.110 Descargas

auto_bundle_install 0.0.6

Automatically run 'bundle install'

23.040 Descargas

autoc 2.0.2

The package contains a functionality related to the C source code generation, inclu...

18.532 Descargas

autocanary24 0.6.1

autocanary24 provides a small convenient module for blue/green and canary deployments w...

189.680 Descargas

autochthon 0.1.0

Sinatra app for managing I18n translations stored in YAML files, database or Redis

2.868 Descargas

auto_click 0.5.9

Provide several Ruby methods for simulating mouse click, cursor movement and keystrokes...

122.621 Descargas

autocode 1.0.1

Utility for auto-including, reloading, and generating classes and modules.

31.030 Descargas

autocolors 0.0.7

Inspired by solarized, and lots of work with various colorschemes and syntax highlight ...

31.183 Descargas

autocommit 0.1.3

watch a directory for changes, and commit them Designed to run when programming katas

7.096 Descargas

autocompl 0.2.2

Autocompl is a light-weight autocomplete integration for Rails, that depends on just on...

19.616 Descargas

autocomplete 1.0.2

Insert an autocomplete-search-box inside your view

9.974 Descargas

auto_complete 0.0.1

Gem for the legacy auto_complete plugin

123.217 Descargas

autocomplete-activeadmin 0.1.0

Use jQuery's autocomplete plugin with Rails 4+.

3.255 Descargas

autocomplete_address_safe 0.1.6

Use to get address, city, country, and geolocalization

19.094 Descargas

autocomplete_for 1.4

Model-side logic for autocompleting belongs_to associations

71.062 Descargas

autocomplete-off 0.2.0

Adds `autocomplete="off"` html attribute to FormHelper generated input tags by default.

148.375 Descargas

autocomplete_rails 0.4.1

Easily use jQuery UI's autocomplete widget with Rails applications.

74.718 Descargas

autocomplete_select 0.1.0

Integrate with jQuery UI autocomplete library to provide select by autocomplete input a...

4.205 Descargas

autocomplete_zipcode 2.1.1

Fill in your brazillian addresses automagically

24.835 Descargas

autocompletion 0.0.3

This gem provides fast prefix-autocompletion in pure ruby.

14.815 Descargas

autoconfig 2.0

Automated way to create flexible configuration structures representing your YAML config...

53.603 Descargas

auto-consul 0.2.1

Ruby utilities to aid in the bootstrapping of EC2-based consul clusters

18.697 Descargas

autocop 0.4.4

Autolist ruby style guide for rubocop

46.625 Descargas

autocopper 0.1.0

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

428 Descargas

autocorrect 0.0.1

A crazy gem that 'corrects' your misspelling of method names. Please don't actually use...

5.415 Descargas