RubyGems Navigation menu


attr-translatable 0.1.4

attr-translatable gem allows attributes of ActiveRecord to be translated.

20 619 Téléchargements

attr_translate 1.0.1

Rails concern for ActiveRecord attribute translation using PostgreSQL's JSONB datatype.

3 799 Téléchargements

attr_typecastable 0.0.1

attr_accessor with typecast feature.

13 446 Téléchargements

attr_typed 1.0.5

Enforce attribute types at assignment time

16 195 Téléchargements

attr-utils 0.2.0

Utilities of class attributes in Ruby language

5 540 Téléchargements

attr_uuid 1.1.0

This gem makes binary uuid attribute easy to use

13 183 Téléchargements

attr_validator 0.2.3

Object validation library

28 032 Téléchargements

attr_value_object 0.1.0

defines getter and setter via Value Object to separate logic from model

2 268 Téléchargements

attr_vault 2.1.2

Encryption at rest made easy

278 262 Téléchargements

att_speech 0.0.6

A Ruby library for consuming v3 of the AT&T Speech API for speech->text, and text->spee...

23 222 Téléchargements

att-swift 1.0

A wrapper for OpenStack Object Storage v1 (aka Swift). Swift provides redundant storag...

5 210 Téléchargements

attsynaptic-synaptic4r 0.1.5

CLI and Ruby REST Client for ATT Synaptic Storage

6 919 Téléchargements

attune 1.0.21

Client for the Attune product ranking API.

128 686 Téléchargements

atum 0.10.1

A Ruby client generator for JSON APIs described with a JSON schema

24 874 Téléchargements

atv 1.0.1

Read data from an ascii table.

220 902 Téléchargements

at-validations 0.1.1

Awesome validation and object matching library

8 404 Téléchargements

atv_junk 0.0.7

This is a useless gem.

21 215 Téléchargements

at_what_cost 1.0.2

A spectre is haunting the Ruby community. The spectre of AT WHAT COST

6 126 Téléchargements

atx_live_music 0.1.3

Displays live music listings in Austin, Texas.

7 811 Téléchargements

at_your_service 1.1.0

Model / View / Controller isn't enough for today's complex web applications. Encapsulat...

5 027 Téléchargements

a_types 1.0.0

Provides advanced versions of Ruby's basic data types

3 888 Téléchargements

atypical-sass 0.0.10

Atypical Mass shared Compass toolkit

35 644 Téléchargements

atyun-protocal 0.1.8


6 768 Téléchargements

au 0.3.0

Yet another distributed version control system

12 450 Téléchargements

au3 0.1.2

au3 is a gem that provides Ruby bindings to the AutoIt Windows automation tool by usin...

35 913 Téléchargements

aua 0.3.2

aua = a user agent (parser).

48 645 Téléchargements

aua-mite 0.0.8

Extension for aua ( to recognize custom mite api clients by...

32 329 Téléchargements

aub-cache_advance 1.1.3


45 468 Téléchargements

aubergine 0.2.5

Distributed RANCID - backup your network devices

79 856 Téléchargements

aub-gemfeed 0.1.5

This gem provides automatic post install and uninstall hooks to allow you to subscribe ...

9 789 Téléchargements