RubyGems Navigation menu

Dépendances inversées pour active_interaction Latest version of the following gems require active_interaction

roqua-support 0.4.5

Logging backend, freedom patches,

148 046 Téléchargements

egov_utils 1.4.3

We hope it will help create better systems for all the eGoverment. In Czech Republic an...

146 845 Téléchargements

roqua-core-api 0.7.0

Provides authenticated access to Core

128 192 Téléchargements

active_interaction-extras 1.1.0

Extensions for active_interaction gem

128 187 Téléchargements

roqua-rom-api 3.0.3

Provides authenticated access to ROM utilities

96 689 Téléchargements

tezos_client 2.1.0

Wrapper to the tezos client.

78 102 Téléchargements

active_interaction-active_job 0.3.2

Add ActiveJob support to ActiveInteraction gem

50 930 Téléchargements

protobuf-rpc-register 0.20.0

Register for rpc services using protobuf rpc.

48 716 Téléchargements

fizzy-api 0.1.5

Provides authenticated access to fizzy utilities

32 389 Téléchargements

convenient_service 0.19.0

Yet another approach to revisit the service object pattern in Ruby, but this time focus...

24 858 Téléchargements

mercadolibre_api 0.10

Client to consume all Mercadolibre endpoints

19 268 Téléchargements

syncify 0.1.11

You can use this gem to copy records and their specified associations from production (...

15 668 Téléchargements

rql_parser 1.1.0

RqlParser is a gem for using RQL as valid params

14 653 Téléchargements

mtk_framework 1.0.1

Moneytrack's gems extensions and monkey patches.

12 581 Téléchargements

solr_makr 0.5.1

Create and manage solr collections programmatically

11 759 Téléchargements

cruft_tracker 0.2.4

Have you ever asked yourself, "Is this method even being used?!" Or, "What the heck is ...

9 979 Téléchargements

researchable-freedcamp-api 0.1.8

Wrapper around the freedcamp api

8 658 Téléchargements

makwa 1.0.1

Interactions for Ruby on Rails apps.

5 824 Téléchargements

cash_out 0.1.0

A gem to ease setup of Stripe Marketplace Payments

3 892 Téléchargements

rql-parser 1.1.2

RqlParser is a gem for using RQL as valid params

3 301 Téléchargements

plutonium 0.12.9

Plutonium extends Rails' capabilities with a powerful, generator-driven toolkit designe...

2 832 Téléchargements

mundipagg_client 0.1.0

Client for Mundipagg Payment Gateway.

2 161 Téléchargements

researchable-pdf-renderer 0.0.1

Gem for rendering result PDFs

1 738 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 3 681 593

Pour cette version 335 446



Version de Ruby requise: >= 2.7

New versions require MFA: true

Version published with MFA: true
