RubyGems Navigation menu

Dépendances inversées pour activemerchant Latest version of the following gems require activemerchant

caboose-cms 1.0.2

CMS built on rails with love.

2 664 999 Téléchargements

solidus_core 4.3.5

Essential models, mailers, and classes for the Solidus e-commerce project.

2 620 865 Téléchargements

spree_core 4.8.2

Spree Models, Helpers, Services and core libraries

2 378 878 Téléchargements

solidus_gateway 1.3.0

Additional Payment Gateways for Solidus

1 538 591 Téléchargements

solidus_braintree 3.1.0

Uses the javascript API for seamless braintree payments

1 254 395 Téléchargements

mongoid-active_merchant 0.2.3

Adds Mongoid serialization to ActiveMerchant responses

995 879 Téléchargements

piggybak 0.7.7

Mountable Ruby on Rails Ecommerce.

275 657 Téléchargements

active_paypal_adaptive_payment 0.3.16

This library is meant to interface with PayPal's Adaptive Payment Gateway.

244 929 Téléchargements

killbill 9.4.1

Base classes to write plugins.

232 268 Téléchargements

active_merchant_payline 0.3.0

A plugin for Payline support in Active Merchant.

159 694 Téléchargements

killbill-paypal-express 6.0.0

Kill Bill payment plugin for Paypal Express Checkout.

157 212 Téléchargements

radiant-shop-extension 0.94.8

Radiant Shop is an attempt at a simple but complete store. It includes Products, Catego...

132 755 Téléchargements

workarea-core 3.5.27

Provides application code, seed data, plugin infrastructure, and other core parts of th...

115 375 Téléchargements

killbill-litle 5.0.0

Kill Bill payment plugin for Litle & Co.

107 519 Téléchargements

active_merchant_square 1.0.0

Use this gem instead of ActiveMerchant gem if you want to use Square's e-commerce APIs ...

106 721 Téléchargements

active_merchant-epsilon 0.14.0

Epsilon integration for ActiveMerchant.

103 245 Téléchargements

killbill-payment-test 6.0.0

Kill Bill Plugin to test the payment plugin api.

93 766 Téléchargements

nimbleshop_core 0.0.23

Provides core e-commerce support to nimbleShop

81 709 Téléchargements

opay 1.3.2

Payu (polish payment service) rails engine.

74 385 Téléchargements

killbill-cybersource 5.2.7

Kill Bill payment plugin for Cybersource.

65 776 Téléchargements

catarse_paypal_express 3.0.2

PaypalExpress integration with Catarse crowdfunding platform

57 763 Téléchargements

activemerchant-paymentech-orbital 0.2.4

A gem to provide a ruby interface for Chase Paymentech Orbital payment gateway. It has ...

56 499 Téléchargements


"A gem to support PayPal Permissions API for Rails applications using ActiveMerchant."

56 049 Téléchargements

erp_commerce 4.2.0

The CompassAE Commerce Engine uses the engines that implement Parties, Products and Ord...

54 580 Téléchargements

rack-payment 0.1.4

Turn-key E-Commerce for Ruby web applications

50 018 Téléchargements

better-mundipagg 0.2.11

Gem to integrate with Mundipagg's webservice.

49 083 Téléchargements

muck-commerce 3.0.1

Add ecommerce functionality to your muck project. This includes integration with Paypa...

44 385 Téléchargements

active_merchant_card_flex 0.0.7

Provide support for CardFlex's standard integration and stored profile tokenization int...

42 773 Téléchargements

killbill-orbital 0.1.18

Kill Bill payment plugin for Orbital.

36 841 Téléchargements

killbill-stripe 6.0.1

Kill Bill payment plugin for Stripe.

36 447 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 19 099 904

Pour cette version 617 215



Version de Ruby requise: >= 2.5
