RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para beanstalk-client La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren beanstalk-client

iron_mq 6.0.5

Ruby client for IronMQ by

446.338 Descargas

rservicebus 0.1.77

A Ruby interpretation of NServiceBus

365.639 Descargas

beanstalker 0.5.12

Beanstalker is a tool for executing long tasks in background in our rails application.

205.409 Descargas

xapian_db 1.3.11

XapianDb is a ruby gem that combines features of nosql databases and fulltext indexing....

186.771 Descargas

stalker 0.9.0

A job queueing and background workers system using Beanstalkd. Inspired by the Minion ...

112.880 Descargas

rservicebus2 0.2.26

A Ruby interpretation of NServiceBus

74.235 Descargas

creeper 2.0.2

Creeper is an evented version of Stalker

65.000 Descargas

beanstalk-worker 0.1.7

Beanstalkd Worker base class

54.940 Descargas

hoth 0.4.2

Creating a SOA requires a centralized location to define all services within the SOA. F...

49.774 Descargas

beanstalk_farmer 0.3.3

Farmer is a nice little kit to manage a Beanstalk job queue

43.498 Descargas

beanstalk-client-rspec 0.0.9

Provides a fairly complete mock for beanstalk-client by imitating beanstalkd using arra...

31.120 Descargas

zack 0.3.4

Ruby RPC calls via Cod

30.703 Descargas

stalking 0.1.3

Asynchronous job processing using the beanstalkd queue server with automatic reconnects...

30.268 Descargas

sensu-plugins-beanstalk 3.0.0

Sensu plugins for beanstalk

27.089 Descargas

auxesis-flapjack 0.4.10

Flapjack is highly scalable and distributed monitoring system. It understands the Nagio...

25.129 Descargas

edamame 0.3.2

Edamame combines the Beanstalk priority queue with a Tokyo Tyrant database and God moni...

24.636 Descargas

racoon 1.0.1

A distributed Apple Push Notification Service (APNs) provider developed for hosting mul...

22.832 Descargas

beanworker 0.0.5

It is a worker-side Beanstalk-based job-queueing dispatcher This is a pre-release, I w...

21.988 Descargas

kongnomal 0.1.5

Register your custom job event handler that gets notified upon job event triggered from...

20.033 Descargas

servicesnapshot 0.1.2

The fastest way to get a snapshot of your system.

19.546 Descargas

beanqueue 0.1.2

This is a beanstalk-based job-queueing-manager, replacement for gem 'stalker' with addi...

17.890 Descargas

glebpom-async_observer 0.1.0

async_observer provides deep integration with Beanstalk. Fork from

16.472 Descargas

peon 0.1.3

Peon is a work queue library for Ruby with an awesome DSL for defining jobs, and it's c...

15.463 Descargas

beanstalkd-stats 0.0.6

A simple beanstalkd gem

15.370 Descargas

ruote-beanstalk 2.2.0

Beanstalk participant/receiver/storage for ruote (a Ruby workflow engine)

10.786 Descargas

messed 0.0.2

A framework for short message paradigms

8.733 Descargas

psyho-stalker 0.7.1

A job queueing and background workers system using Beanstalkd. Inspired by the Minion ...

7.421 Descargas

beanpicker 0.1.0

DSL for beanstalkd, similar to Stalker/Minion but uses subprocesses

5.554 Descargas

msg-qworker 0.1.0

This gem provides a queue worker infrastructure for a beanstalk queue. Jobs are defined...

4.256 Descargas

iron 0.0.1

Ruby client for IronMQ by

4.178 Descargas

Total de descargas 519.175

Para esta versión 410.602



Versión de Ruby requerida: Ninguno
