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closure-compiler 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 closure-compiler

sprockets 4.2.1

Sprockets is a Rack-based asset packaging system that concatenates and serves JavaScrip...

452,048,890 下載

htmlcompressor 0.4.0

Put your html on a diet

4,516,627 下載


This is a Bootstrap 3 Jekyll Theme built for Linaro Static Websites

822,702 下載

linaro-jekyll-theme 5.1.0

Linaro's bootstrap 4/jekyll 4 static website theme.

518,163 下載

wiselinks 1.2.1

Wiselinks makes following links and submitting some forms in your web application smart...

353,893 下載

flok 0.0.105

Flok is a cross-platform application framework system that exports javascript files

219,119 下載

jsus 0.4.0

Javascript packager and dependency resolver

132,767 下載

iugu-ux 1.0.25

Iugu User Experience and Components for HTML5,CSS,JS

127,915 下載

maglove 2.0.11

This gem contains development and built tools for creating MagLoft themes.

101,021 下載

marfa 0.10.2

Sinatra-based wrapper for our projects

80,360 下載

jbundle 0.1.4

Writes versioned, bundled and minified javascript files and dependencies

62,151 下載

view_assets 1.1.1

Instead of using the default assets managing style in rails 3.2, this gem will introduc...

44,772 下載

githubbish_assets 0.1.11

Github style assets bundling in a Rails 3 engine

41,372 下載

smallvictories 0.0.19

Small Victories Ruby interface.

36,165 下載

crush 0.3.3

Crush is a set of Tilt templates for the various JavaScript and CSS compression librari...

30,353 下載

guard-mirror 0.2.5

A CoffeeScript, Stylus, and Jade (HTML and JST) Guard that mirrors yoursource files...

29,876 下載

embork 0.0.13

A tool set for building ember apps.

27,516 下載


Jammit is an industrial strength asset packaging library for Rails, providing both ...

23,691 下載

sqweeze 0.0.9

A command line web-asset optimisation tool

21,392 下載

bixbite 0.1.3

Bixbite is a project initializer for dynamic to static publishing

19,557 下載

compressed-gzipped-assets 0.0.3

for more info see the readme.

17,936 下載

slight_assets 0.4.0

Optimize the assets of your Rails application without change any line of code.

17,590 下載

rack-pack 0.3.2

Rack::Pack is a piece of Rack Middleware that packages and optionally compresses assets...

17,421 下載

aws-s3-deploy 0.3.0

Deploy static files to AWS S3.

17,050 下載

rack-sprocketize 0.4.1

Rack::Sprocketize is a piece of Rack Middleware which uses Sprockets to concatenate jav...

16,905 下載

assets-compiler 0.3

Can be used to compile any static assets (etc minify javascript)

15,949 下載

jammit-core 0.1.1

A non-Rails fork of the Jammit asset-packager for use with any Ruby framework

8,578 下載

juggle 0.0.2

Javascript packing

8,057 下載

sinatra-sprockets 0.0.2

Use Sprockets effectively with Sinatra.

7,693 下載


Jammit is an industrial strength asset packaging library for Rails, providing both ...

7,493 下載

總下載次數 2,683,993

這個版本 237,396



Ruby 版本需求: >= 0
