RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para commonmarker La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren commonmarker

deckar01-task_list 2.3.4

Markdown TaskList components

23.573.320 Descargas

graphql-docs 4.0.0

Library and CLI for generating a website from a GraphQL API's schema definition. Wi...

20.952.068 Descargas

extended-markdown-filter 0.7.0

This is a custom Markdown processor to be used with GitHub's HTML::Pipeline.

20.753.556 Descargas

jekyll-commonmark-ghpages 0.4.0

CommonMark generator for Jekyll

3.495.260 Descargas

dependabot-common 0.259.0

Dependabot-Common provides the shared code used across Dependabot. If you want support ...

3.237.808 Descargas

jekyll-commonmark 1.4.0

CommonMark generator for Jekyll

3.213.840 Descargas

openapi3_parser 0.10.0

A tool to parse and validate OpenAPI V3 files. Aims to provide complete compatibili...

1.386.021 Descargas

bullet_train 1.7.10

Bullet Train

309.965 Descargas

vandamme 0.0.12

Vandamme is aware of files content, and will be mostly used to parse changelog files an...

276.827 Descargas

decidim-api 0.28.1

API engine for decidim

261.883 Descargas

showoff 0.20.4

Showoff is a Sinatra web app that reads simple configuration files for a presentation...

236.193 Descargas

nrser 0.3.12

basic ruby utils i use in a lot of stuff.

93.343 Descargas

html-pipeline-hashtag 0.1.2

HTML Pipeline filter that replaces hashtags with links.

84.060 Descargas

mato 2.5.0

A pipeline-based markdown toolkit with CommonMark(er)

74.216 Descargas

markdown_views 2.3.0

Enables Rails handling of .md templates, with optional preprocessing of ERB, HAML, etc....

61.547 Descargas

octodown 1.9.2

GitHub Markdown straight from your shell.

55.639 Descargas

vimwiki_markdown 0.9.2

Converts a vimwiki markdown file to html. It parses [[links]] and has support for synt...

52.648 Descargas

mdv 0.9.0

Quickly view markdown files on GNOME

45.740 Descargas

github-markdown-preview 5.0.0

Local previews for Github markdown

44.052 Descargas

editor_js 0.4.0

It validates, parses, and renders content from editorjs

42.830 Descargas

tdiary-style-gfm 1.2.0

GFM Style for tDiary

41.641 Descargas

kuroko2 0.8.0

Kuroko2 is a web-based job scheduler/workflow manager created at Cookpad Inc.

39.604 Descargas

ghpreview 0.2.0

Command line utility for previewing Markdown files with Github styling

36.897 Descargas

publify_core 10.0.1

Core engine for the Publify blogging system, formerly known as Typo.

32.693 Descargas

klaro-client 0.8.0

Klaro Client

30.965 Descargas

madman 0.3.3

A command line utility for markdown fun

30.585 Descargas

convenient_service 0.18.0

Yet another approach to revisit the service object pattern in Ruby, but this time focus...

24.560 Descargas

jekyll-html-pipeline 1.1.1

This is a custom Markdown processor for Jekyll 2.0 and above. It allows you to use GitH...

22.704 Descargas

theoj 1.10.0

A library to manage editorial objects used in the Open Journals' review process

20.833 Descargas

muwu 3.2.0

Compile markup files (Markdown and YAML) into HTML.

16.276 Descargas

Total de descargas 43.778.452

Para esta versión 407



Versión de Ruby requerida: ~> 3.1

Nuevas versiones requieren AMF: true

Versión publicada con AMF: true

Versión de Rubygems requerida: >= 3.3.22
