RubyGems Navigation menu

enumerize 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 enumerize

job_notifier 3.0.0

Rails engine built on top on Active Job gem to persist job results and notify job statu...

514,416 下載

tramway-core 5.0

Core for all Tramway Rails Engines

318,078 下載

renalware-core 2.1.1

Renalware uses demographic, clinical, pathology, and nephrology datasets to improve pat...

291,526 下載


Add themes to the Rails asset pipeline

243,940 下載

human_attributes 1.1.0

Gem to convert ActiveRecord attributes and methods to human readable attributes

182,942 下載

active_job_log 3.0.0

Rails engine to register jobs history, adding: job state, error feedback, duration, etc.

181,401 下載

activerecord-bixformer 0.4.19

a framework for xross transformer between ActiveRecord and other format.

112,967 下載


Engine for users in your Rails app

83,750 下載

uffizzi_core 2.4.8


67,267 下載

ninoxe 1.2.3

This library provides a model to navigate through Chouette database.

58,564 下載

mix-rails-core 0.26.3

This is the core of the mix-rails

57,410 下載

html_tables 1.1.0

Simple DSL for HTML data tables

52,351 下載

punto_pagos_rails 1.6.0

Rails engine to manager transactions using acidlabs's puntopagos-ruby gem

39,373 下載

comable_core 0.5.0

Provide core functions for Comable.

37,001 下載

jera_push 2.1.0

This gem is for send push messages via firebase and track their status.

35,522 下載

active_content 0.2.1

Generates base inheritable models Content, Taxonomy, Upload, Meta, Profile and Template.

25,833 下載

event_sourced_accounting 0.2.6

The Event-Sourced Accounting plugin provides an event-sourced double entry accounting s...

24,808 下載

task-manager 0.1.7

TaskManager can help you to manage your routine tasks effectually.

20,333 下載

administrate-field-enumerize 1.0.0

Plugin for adding Enumerize gem support in Administrate.

20,253 下載

meta_mongo 0.7.1

This gem dinamically generates models and vallidations to Mongoid

18,712 下載

rails_log_parser 0.0.17

If you want to get an email with errors and fatal log lines you can use this gem.

14,704 下載

active_record_importer 0.4.0

Smart gem for importing CSV files to ActiveRecord models

12,906 下載

comable-core 0.7.1

Provide core functions for Comable.

12,869 下載

enumerize-schema 0.1.0

A wrapper around Enumerize to store enum values in schema files

12,121 下載

pg_rails 7.0.7

Rails goodies.

11,247 下載

blacksand 2.5.0

CMS base on Rails Engin.

10,514 下載


Startkit for new project from DigitalHeroes

8,706 下載

knowledge_base 0.2.0

Knowledge Base is a bunch of models for Ruby on Rails that you probably need to build y...

8,392 下載

active_road 0.0.3

Import openstreetmap datas and make an itinerary research

8,326 下載

enumerize_with_groups 0.3.0

Add groups option for enumerize.

7,946 下載

總下載次數 20,704,186

這個版本 115,031



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.7
