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Dependencias inversas para ferrum La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren ferrum

cuprite 0.15

Cuprite is a driver for Capybara that allows you to run your tests on a headless Chrome...

3.881.557 Descargas

fe_core_ext 0.33.4

Core class extensions that doesn't supported by active_recored core_ext

138.192 Descargas

mushy 0.25.0

This tool assists in the creation and processing of workflows.

67.719 Descargas

wgit 0.11.0

Wgit was primarily designed to crawl static HTML websites to index and search their con...

56.112 Descargas

vessel 0.2.0

Vessel is a high-level web crawling framework, used to crawl websites and extract struc...

29.572 Descargas

jenkins-builder 0.3.4

Build Jenkins Jobs

26.077 Descargas

wayfarer 0.4.6

Web crawling framework based on ActiveJob

17.279 Descargas

ferrumwizard 0.3.4

Makes web scraping easier using the Ferrum gem.

14.331 Descargas

docapurl 0.2.3

cap web url

13.453 Descargas

natour 0.12.0

natour provides an application and a library to document nature activities.

12.906 Descargas

qnd_html2page 0.2.4

Splits HTML into pages suitable for reading like a book.

11.364 Descargas

ferrexi 0.2.0

A wrapper over the Ferrum gem to return a Rexle document.

5.858 Descargas

chrome_diff 0.1.1

Generate visual diff by chrome.

3.148 Descargas

mkwebook 0.1.7

A tool to download web pages and convert them to Calibre ready.

2.852 Descargas

pagerecognizer 0.1.0

visual HTML page structure recognizer

2.379 Descargas

foot_traffic 0.1.0

Foot Traffic allows to simulate real web users for load testing, debugging, or feature ...

2.152 Descargas

shelenium 0.0.0

Access and test terminal session like a table of chars.

1.620 Descargas

ferrum_common 0.3.0

[WIP] common useful extensions for ferrum or cuprite

1.452 Descargas

gigbot 0.1.4

Git-inspired remote tech job aggregator for the command line

1.148 Descargas

auto_browse 0.1.0

auto_browse is a browser driver.

1.106 Descargas

htmltokit 0.2.0


829 Descargas

ferrum-har 0.1.4

Rubygem to convert ferrum traffic to HAR files

723 Descargas

browsing_facade 1.1.0

A facade for browsing

654 Descargas

fej 0.0.2

try ferrum

500 Descargas

Total de descargas 4.750.012

Para esta versión 43.383



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.7.0

Nuevas versiones requieren AMF: true

Versión publicada con AMF: true
