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Dépendances inversées pour google-protobuf Latest version of the following gems require google-protobuf

googleapis-common-protos-types 1.14.0

Common protocol buffer types used by Google APIs

141 041 863 Téléchargements

grpc 1.64.0

Send RPCs from Ruby using GRPC

134 970 973 Téléchargements

grpc 1.64.0

Send RPCs from Ruby using GRPC

134 970 973 Téléchargements

grpc 1.64.0

Send RPCs from Ruby using GRPC

134 970 973 Téléchargements

grpc 1.64.0

Send RPCs from Ruby using GRPC

134 970 973 Téléchargements

grpc 1.64.0

Send RPCs from Ruby using GRPC

134 970 973 Téléchargements

grpc 1.64.0

Send RPCs from Ruby using GRPC

134 970 973 Téléchargements

grpc 1.64.0

Send RPCs from Ruby using GRPC

134 970 973 Téléchargements

grpc 1.64.0

Send RPCs from Ruby using GRPC

134 970 973 Téléchargements

grpc 1.64.0

Send RPCs from Ruby using GRPC

134 970 973 Téléchargements

googleapis-common-protos 1.5.0

Common gRPC and protocol buffer classes used in Google APIs

65 669 407 Téléchargements

grpc-google-iam-v1 1.7.0

Common protos and gRPC services for Google IAM

41 138 394 Téléchargements

pg_query 5.1.0

Parses SQL queries using a copy of the PostgreSQL server query parser

38 339 998 Téléchargements

gapic-common 0.21.1

Common code for GAPIC-generated API clients

36 965 051 Téléchargements

google-gax 1.8.2

Google API Extensions

36 369 338 Téléchargements

fluent-plugin-kinesis-aggregation 0.4.1

Fluentd output plugin that sends KPL style aggregated events to Amazon Kinesis.

33 335 782 Téléchargements

fluent-plugin-kinesis 3.5.0

Fluentd output plugin that sends events to Amazon Kinesis.

12 060 817 Téléchargements

opentelemetry-exporter-otlp 0.27.0

OTLP exporter for the OpenTelemetry framework

11 548 644 Téléchargements

google-ads-googleads 29.0.0

google-ads-googleads is a Google Ads API client library for Ruby

6 553 976 Téléchargements

sass-embedded 1.77.4

A Ruby library that will communicate with Embedded Dart Sass using the Embedded Sass pr...

4 814 134 Téléchargements

sass-embedded 1.77.4

A Ruby library that will communicate with Embedded Dart Sass using the Embedded Sass pr...

4 814 134 Téléchargements

sass-embedded 1.77.4

A Ruby library that will communicate with Embedded Dart Sass using the Embedded Sass pr...

4 814 134 Téléchargements

sass-embedded 1.77.4

A Ruby library that will communicate with Embedded Dart Sass using the Embedded Sass pr...

4 814 134 Téléchargements

sass-embedded 1.77.4

A Ruby library that will communicate with Embedded Dart Sass using the Embedded Sass pr...

4 814 134 Téléchargements

sass-embedded 1.77.4

A Ruby library that will communicate with Embedded Dart Sass using the Embedded Sass pr...

4 814 134 Téléchargements

sass-embedded 1.77.4

A Ruby library that will communicate with Embedded Dart Sass using the Embedded Sass pr...

4 814 134 Téléchargements

sass-embedded 1.77.4

A Ruby library that will communicate with Embedded Dart Sass using the Embedded Sass pr...

4 814 134 Téléchargements

sass-embedded 1.77.4

A Ruby library that will communicate with Embedded Dart Sass using the Embedded Sass pr...

4 814 134 Téléchargements

sass-embedded 1.77.4

A Ruby library that will communicate with Embedded Dart Sass using the Embedded Sass pr...

4 814 134 Téléchargements

sass-embedded 1.77.4

A Ruby library that will communicate with Embedded Dart Sass using the Embedded Sass pr...

4 814 134 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 266 040 395

Pour cette version 974



Version de Ruby requise: >= 3.0
