RubyGems Navigation menu

Dépendances inversées pour hash-deep-merge Latest version of the following gems require hash-deep-merge

lazy_high_charts 1.6.1

lazy_high_charts is leading edge rubyist render charts gem for displaying Highcharts gr...

2 457 154 Téléchargements

oas_parser 0.25.4

A parser for Open API specifications

1 224 248 Téléchargements

docman 0.0.107

Docman made for DOCroot MANagement for Drupal projects

246 108 Téléchargements

harpy 1.1.0

Client for REST API with HATEOAS

169 923 Téléchargements

app_stack 1.6.2

Merge app source code in a stack to increase module reusability

87 639 Téléchargements

skink 0.7.2

A Ruby DSL for testing REST APIs.

37 410 Téléchargements

yaml_configuration 0.0.11

Load, merge and provide sensible error messages when using yaml based configuration

33 747 Téléchargements

lazy_google_analytics 0.1.6

google analytics api access for the lazy ones

26 887 Téléchargements

bigbroda 0.0.7

GoogleBigQuery ActiveRecord Adapter & standalone API client

26 522 Téléchargements

curriculum-generator 1.0.7

Curriculum Vitae generator

21 517 Téléchargements

proctor 0.0.4

Proctor: a Process Manager

13 004 Téléchargements

settings-tree 0.2.1

This gem offers you a convenient settings structure for parameterizing your application...

11 074 Téléchargements

hashconfig 0.0.2

Simple configuration mechanism through serialized hash

7 622 Téléchargements

untranslated 1.0.2

This gem sniffers your untranslated keys and store them as they come to ./log

6 772 Téléchargements

layeredyamlconfig 1.4.4

LayeredYAMLConfig provides a simple config file that supports multiple layers. Values ...

6 501 Téléchargements

metabase_cli 0.1.5

Cli for Metabase API

4 714 Téléchargements

lazy_high_charts_tomgi 1.2.2

lazy_high_charts is a Rails 3.x gem for displaying Highcharts graphs.

4 364 Téléchargements

contracts_api_test 0.0.1

Consumer-Driven Contracts

4 284 Téléchargements

just_high_charts 0.0.1

just_high_charts simply provides a HighCharts object for use with Highcharts.js

3 449 Téléchargements

oas_parser_reborn 0.25.5

A parser for Open API specifications

2 929 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 3 928 751

Pour cette version 3 928 751



Version de Ruby requise: None
