RubyGems Navigation menu

json_pure 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 json_pure

cocoon 1.2.15

Unobtrusive nested forms handling, using jQuery. Use this and discover cocoon-heaven.

26,609,451 下載

dpl-script 1.10.16

deploy tool abstraction for clients

17,065,171 下載

extlib 0.9.16

Support library for Merb

16,988,604 下載

chargebee 2.39.1

Subscription Billing - Simple. Secure. Affordable. More details at

6,806,124 下載

travis 1.14.0

CLI and Ruby client library for Travis CI

5,728,443 下載

dpl-heroku 1.10.16

deploy tool abstraction for clients

4,563,144 下載

dpl-s3 1.10.16

deploy tool abstraction for clients

4,510,473 下載

cf-uaa-lib 4.0.4

Client library for interacting with the CloudFoundry User Account and Authorization (UA...

3,464,051 下載

dpl-pages 1.10.16

deploy tool abstraction for clients

3,260,637 下載

rubyforge 2.0.4

A script which automates a limited set of rubyforge operations. * Run 'rubyforge help'...

2,996,856 下載

dm-serializer 1.2.2

DataMapper plugin for serializing Resources and Collections

2,348,681 下載

cf-uaac 4.23.0

Client command line tools for interacting with the CloudFoundry User Account and Author...

2,066,092 下載

gooddata 2.3.1

Use the GoodData::Client class to integrate GoodData into your own application or use t...

2,055,060 下載

gooddata 2.3.1

Use the GoodData::Client class to integrate GoodData into your own application or use t...

2,055,060 下載

bosh_cli 1.3262.26.0


1,873,825 下載

buildr 1.5.8

Apache Buildr is a build system for Java-based applications, including support for Scal...

1,745,934 下載

buildr 1.5.8

Apache Buildr is a build system for Java-based applications, including support for Scal...

1,745,934 下載

buildr 1.5.8

Apache Buildr is a build system for Java-based applications, including support for Scal...

1,745,934 下載

package_cloud 0.3.14

The CLI for uploading Node.js, Debian, RPM, RubyGem, Python, an...

1,729,120 下載

dpl-releases 1.10.16

deploy tool abstraction for clients

1,722,065 下載

autostacker24 2.9.0

AutoStacker24 is a small ruby gem for managing AWS CloudFormation stacks. It is a thin ...

1,393,309 下載

dpl-elastic_beanstalk 1.10.16

deploy tool abstraction for clients

1,215,381 下載

cfoundry 4.7.1

High-level library for working with the Cloud Foundry API.

1,030,418 下載

dpl-code_deploy 1.10.16

deploy tool abstraction for clients

871,569 下載

queue-bus 0.13.2

A simple event bus on top of common background queues. Publish and subscribe to events ...

775,048 下載

foursquare2 2.0.2

Gives access to all endpoints in version 2 of foursquare's API with syntax that will be...

716,993 下載

jenkins 0.6.8

A suite of utilities for bringing continous integration to your projects (not the other...

696,497 下載

sidekiq-bus 0.9.0

A simple event bus on top of Sidekiq. Publish and subscribe to events as they occur thr...

613,153 下載

dpl-pypi 1.10.16

deploy tool abstraction for clients

582,869 下載

cf 5.4.7

Friendly command-line interface for Cloud Foundry.

550,971 下載

總下載次數 57,836,142

這個版本 248,479



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.3
