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merb-slices 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 merb-slices

merb 1.1.3

The Merb stack

256,392 下載

merb-admin 0.8.8

MerbAdmin is a Merb plugin that provides an easy-to-use interface for managing your data

167,462 下載

merb-auth-slice-password 1.1.1

Merb Slice with password UI support

138,759 下載

merb-more 1.0.15

(merb - merb-core) == merb-more. The Full Stack. Take what you need; leave what you do...

129,862 下載

merb-ui 0.4.9

User Interface Components for Merb

72,992 下載

merb-words 0.4.3

Word Management for Merb

52,590 下載

sferik-merb-admin 0.4.3

MerbAdmin is a Merb plugin that provides an easy-to-use interface for managing your data.

51,303 下載

merb_screw_unit 0.9.13

Merb Slice that provides support for Screw.Unit testing

40,921 下載

merb-photos 0.4.2

Flickr Photo Gallery for Merb

40,890 下載

merb-search 0.3.1

Search for Merb

24,879 下載

chef-server-slice 0.7.16

A systems integration framework, built to bring the benefits of configuration managemen...

18,772 下載

danski-ooh-auth 0.3.5

Merb Slice that adds a full OAuth provider strategy to your application.

17,296 下載

fiveruns_tuneup_merb 0.5.3

Merb Slice that provides the FiveRuns TuneUp Panel (

16,918 下載

laurynasl-sunflower-comments 0.0.5

Merb Slice that provides sequel + postgres + comments = comment anything (polymorphic, ...

13,024 下載

maiha-mjs 0.0.5

A slice for the Merb framework that offers Ajax actions like RJS with jQuery

11,807 下載


Merb Slice that adds basic activation functionality to merb-auth.

6,379 下載


Merb Dynamic Sass is a Merb Slice that provides more handy way to use Sass engine.

6,084 下載

auth-slice 0.1.0

Merb Slice that provides user authentication

5,888 下載

yukiko-merb_dynamic_sass 0.0.3

Merb Dynamic Sass is a Merb Slice that provides more handy way to use Sass engine.

5,755 下載

merb-auth-slice-password-reset 1.1.0

Merb Slice for password-reset functionality

5,122 下載

atmos-braintree_transparent_redirect_slice 0.1.1

Merb Slice that allows you to process stuff with braintree, without storing credit card...

3,932 下載

teamon-merb-auth-slice-password-reset 0.9.12

Merb Slice that adds basic password-reset functionality to merb-auth-based merb applica...

3,388 下載

teamon-merb-auth-slice-activation 1.0

Merb Slice that adds basic activation functionality to merb-auth.

3,381 下載

maiha-merb_background 0.1

A slice for the Merb framework that offers background tasks for DataMapper

3,350 下載

markpercival-quickadmin 1.0.3

Merb Slice adds quick DB'less OpenID authentication to your app

3,337 下載

jsmestad-merb-slice-sms 0.1

Merb Slice that provides ability to send sms messages to mobile devices

3,318 下載

rhyhann-merb_stathyc_slice 0.1

Merb Slice that provides core static pages functionnalities

3,291 下載

rughetto-merb-auth-slice-password-reset 0.9.13

Merb Slice that adds basic password-reset functionality to merb-auth-based merb applica...

3,290 下載

scottmotte-merb-auth-slice-password-reset 0.9.14

Merb Slice that adds basic password-reset functionality to merb-auth-based merb applica...

3,242 下載

總下載次數 212,050

這個版本 36,262


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