RubyGems Navigation menu

Dépendances inversées pour mongo_mapper Latest version of the following gems require mongo_mapper

orm_adapter 0.5.0

Provides a single point of entry for using basic features of ruby ORMs

189 725 438 Téléchargements

rails-jquery-autocomplete 1.0.5

Use jQuery's autocomplete plugin with Rails 4+.

3 536 605 Téléchargements

rails3-jquery-autocomplete 1.0.15

Use jQuery's autocomplete plugin with Rails 3.

1 636 801 Téléchargements

rails4-autocomplete 1.1.1

Use jQuery's autocomplete plugin with Rails 4.

842 096 Téléchargements

kaminari-mongo_mapper 1.0.1

kaminari-mongo_mapper lets your MongoMapper models be paginatable

243 477 Téléchargements

dumper 1.7.3

Dumper is a backup management system that offers a whole new way to take daily backups ...

173 130 Téléchargements

amistad 0.10.2

Extends your user model with friendships management methods

149 339 Téléchargements

noodall-core 0.8.2

Core data objects for Noodall

149 129 Téléchargements

sinatra_resource 0.4.24

A DSL for creating RESTful actions with Sinatra and MongoMapper. It embraces the Resour...

135 878 Téléchargements

wally 0.0.47

Cucumber feature viewer and navigator

135 708 Téléchargements

grat 0.5.1

Basic interface for making webpages with Haml and Erb. Supports nested templates.

104 325 Téléchargements

joint 0.6.2

MongoMapper and GridFS joined in file upload love.

103 516 Téléchargements

mddb 0.0.27

MDDB makes analysing molecular dynamics simulations easy

89 990 Téléchargements

grip 0.7.3

GridFS attachments for MongoMapper

89 285 Téléchargements

mm-devise 2.0

dm-devise adds MongoMapper support to devise ( f...

86 910 Téléchargements

tenacity 0.6.0

Tenacity provides a database client independent way of specifying simple relationships ...

72 261 Téléchargements

mongomapper_ext 0.5.2

MongoMapper extensions

66 476 Téléchargements

mongomapper_ext 0.5.2

MongoMapper extensions

66 476 Téléchargements

mongo_mapper_versioned 0.2.7

Versioned plugin for MongoMapper

62 105 Téléchargements

notifiably_audited 3.0.0

Log all changes to your ActiveRecord models

53 848 Téléchargements


Delayed_job (or DJ) encapsulates the common pattern of asynchronously executing longer ...

52 315 Téléchargements

mm_uses_uuid 0.0.18

MongoMapper plugin that uses a UUID instead of the default ObjectID

50 619 Téléchargements

exodus 1.1.7

Exodus is a migration framework for MongoDb

46 100 Téléchargements

oii_twitter_goodies 0.0.743

OII Twitter Goodies!

45 181 Téléchargements

oii_twitter_goodies 0.0.743

OII Twitter Goodies!

45 181 Téléchargements

roles_mongo_mapper 0.5.0

Makes it easy to set a role strategy on your User model in MongoMapper

43 315 Téléchargements

roachclip 0.3.2

Let you upload images and have use paperclip's hotness to post process them

40 395 Téléchargements

mm-multi-parameter-attributes 0.2.2

Tiny plugin for MongoMapper to add multi-parameter attributes

39 834 Téléchargements

customized-mongomapper-search 1.0.3

Easily integrate Mongo Mapper with with Solr search. Please view the CHANGELOG file fo...

37 995 Téléchargements

audited-mongo_mapper 4.2.2

Log all changes to your MongoMapper models

37 982 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 2 285 509

Pour cette version 79 368



Version de Ruby requise: >= 0
