RubyGems Navigation menu

multi_xml 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 multi_xml

httparty 0.22.0

Makes http fun! Also, makes consuming restful web services dead easy.

299,802,389 下载

oauth2 2.0.9

A Ruby wrapper for the OAuth 2.0 protocol built with a similar style to the original OA...

176,290,025 下载

faraday-decode_xml 0.2.1

Faraday middleware for decoding XML requests.

2,003,703 下载

spaceship 1.0.0

Ruby library to access the Apple Dev Center and iTunes Connect

1,762,444 下载

peddler 2.4.5

A Ruby wrapper to the Amazon MWS API

1,260,984 下载

miasma 0.3.8

Smoggy API

1,118,590 下载

bogo-config 0.3.1

Configuration helper library

897,344 下载

oa-oauth 0.3.2

OAuth strategies for OmniAuth.

610,209 下载

desk 1.2.0

A Ruby wrapper for the REST API

409,545 下载

alexa 0.7.0

Alexa Web Information Service library (AWIS)

238,589 下载

omniauth-fitbit 2.0.0

OmniAuth OAuth2 strategy for Fitbit

237,000 下载

oauth2-aptible 0.10.2

A Ruby wrapper for the OAuth 2.0 protocol built with a similar style to the original OA...

220,999 下载

esa 2.1.0

esa API v1 client library, written in Ruby

181,921 下载

aemo 0.6.0

Gem providing functionality for the Australian Energy Market Operator data.Supports NMI...

148,289 下载

flickrie 1.6.1

This gem wraps the Flickr API with a nice object-oriented interface.

127,953 下载

awis-sdk-ruby 2.1.0

Ruby - Amazon Alexa Web Information Service Library (AWIS)

122,827 下载

vaulted_billing 1.4.0

Several card processors and gateways support offloading the storage of credit card info...

122,018 下载

steam-condenser 1.3.11

A multi-language library for querying the Steam Community, Source, GoldSrc servers and ...

118,495 下载

rundeck 1.2.1

Ruby client for Rundeck API

116,667 下载

airbrake-api 4.6.1

A ruby wrapper for the Airbrake API

108,959 下载

lapis_lazuli 3.0.2

LapisLazuli provides cucumber helper functions and scaffolding for easier (web) tes...

104,806 下载

amazon_flex_pay 0.11.0

A straight-forward REST API for Amazon's Flexible Payments Services.

87,138 下载

bukelatta 0.1.8

Bukelatta is a tool to manage S3 Bucket Policy.

86,900 下载

exlibris-aleph 2.0.4

Library to handle Exlibris' Aleph ILS.

85,013 下载

turbot-ruby-gems 0.34

Metapackage to install gems provided by Turbot.

78,965 下载

pupa 0.2.4

A data scraping framework

72,403 下载

cosm-rb 0.2.09

A library for communicating with the Cosm REST API, parsing and rendering Cosm feed for...

69,808 下载

assistly 0.2.6

A Ruby wrapper for the Assistly REST API

64,012 下载

lazy_ant 0.7.0

Generate an api client easily.

59,758 下载

einvoice 1.2.22

A API wrapper for Taiwan e-invoice services.

58,889 下载

下载总量 367,160,838

这个版本 719,535



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 3.1.2

新的版本需要开启多因素验证: true

使用多因素验证发布的版本: true
