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origin 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 origin

locomotivecms_steam 1.7.1

The LocomotiveCMS Steam is the rendering stack used by both Wagon and Engine

159,544 下载

locomotivecms 4.1.1

Locomotive is designed to save your time and help you focus on what matters: front-end ...

85,641 下载

origin-selectable_ext 0.1.1

Mongoid Origin query extensions for dynamic query generation

85,055 下载

money-mongoid 0.2.2

Makes it easy to use money with mongoid

26,583 下载

rom-mongo 0.2.0

MongoDB support for Ruby Object Mapper

24,306 下载

mongoid-haystack 1.4.2

a mongoid 3 zero-config, zero-integration, POLS pure mongo fulltext solution

23,479 下载

rmodel 1.1.0

Rmodel is an ORM library, which tends to follow the SOLID principles.

19,945 下载

mongo_aggregation_dsl 0.0.8alpha

An aggregation DSL for use with mongo ruby driver

16,979 下载

statlysis 0.1.1

Statistic and analysis in Ruby DSL, just as simple as SQL operations in ActiveRecord.

15,219 下载

mongorm 0.0.4

The micro ODM for Mongo. It is a full featured, repository-based ODM that doesnt get in...

13,131 下载

sepastian-mongoid-rails4 4.0.1.alpha

Mongoid fork with support for Rails 4, for gem development. When releasing a gem, the g...

4,425 下载

mongoid_rails4 4.0.0

Mongoid is an ODM (Object Document Mapper) Framework for MongoDB, written in Ruby. copy...

4,256 下载

asterank-ruby 0.1.1

Ruby Client to connect to Asterank APIs

4,111 下载

mongoid_heroku_stable 4.0.0

Mongoid is an ODM (Object Document Mapper) Framework for MongoDB, written in Ruby.

3,932 下载

cenit-api 0.0.1

Provides a Ruby client to interact with a Cenit API using a DSL to route your resources...

2,517 下载

sams-locomotivecms 4.0.4

Locomotive is designed to save your time and help you focus on what matters: front-end ...

2,005 下载

下载总量 9,616,720

这个版本 3,427,706


需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 0

需要的 RubyGems 版本: >= 1.3.6
