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Dépendances inversées pour rexml Latest version of the following gems require rexml

rubocop 1.64.1

RuboCop is a Ruby code style checking and code formatting tool. It aims to enforce the ...

426 936 205 Téléchargements

crack 1.0.0

Really simple JSON and XML parsing, ripped from Merb and Rails.

257 511 211 Téléchargements

selenium-webdriver 4.21.1

Selenium implements the W3C WebDriver protocol to automate popular browsers. It aim...

230 054 495 Téléchargements

oauth2 2.0.9

A Ruby wrapper for the OAuth 2.0 protocol built with a similar style to the original OA...

178 089 711 Téléchargements

CFPropertyList 3.0.7

This is a module to read, write and manipulate both binary and XML property lists as de...

172 815 025 Téléchargements

kramdown 2.4.0

kramdown is yet-another-markdown-parser but fast, pure Ruby, using a strict syntax defi...

153 567 160 Téléchargements

xml-simple 1.1.9

A simple API for XML processing.

136 770 264 Téléchargements

google-apis-core 0.15.0

Common utility and base classes for legacy Google REST clients

133 731 479 Téléchargements

xcodeproj 1.24.0

Xcodeproj lets you create and modify Xcode projects from Ruby. Script boring management...

133 629 814 Téléchargements

fluent-plugin-s3 1.7.2

Amazon S3 output plugin for Fluentd event collector

115 606 466 Téléchargements

gyoku 1.4.0

Gyoku translates Ruby Hashes to XML

91 873 908 Téléchargements

ruby-saml 1.16.0

SAML Ruby toolkit. Add SAML support to your Ruby software using this library

85 345 723 Téléchargements

activeresource 6.1.0

REST on Rails. Wrap your RESTful web app with Ruby classes and work with them like Acti...

77 299 541 Téléchargements

rack-oauth2 2.2.1

OAuth 2.0 Server & Client Library. Both Bearer token type are supported.

52 200 876 Téléchargements

fluentd 1.17.0

Fluentd is an open source data collector designed to scale and simplify log management....

48 228 431 Téléchargements

fluentd 1.17.0

Fluentd is an open source data collector designed to scale and simplify log management....

48 228 431 Téléchargements

fluentd 1.17.0

Fluentd is an open source data collector designed to scale and simplify log management....

48 228 431 Téléchargements

fluentd 1.17.0

Fluentd is an open source data collector designed to scale and simplify log management....

48 228 431 Téléchargements

openid_connect 2.3.0

OpenID Connect Server & Client Library

47 116 979 Téléchargements

ruby-graphviz 1.2.5

Ruby/Graphviz provides an interface to layout and generate images of directed graphs in...

45 556 687 Téléchargements

fpm 1.15.1

Convert directories, rpms, python eggs, rubygems, and more to rpms, debs, solaris packa...

43 589 861 Téléchargements

simplecov-cobertura 2.1.0

Produces Cobertura XML formatted output from SimpleCov

34 759 464 Téléchargements

letter_opener_web 3.0.0

Gives letter_opener an interface for browsing sent emails

29 972 369 Téléchargements

reek 6.3.0

Reek is a tool that examines Ruby classes, modules and methods and reports any code sme...

26 557 398 Téléchargements

koala 3.5.0

Koala is a lightweight, flexible Ruby SDK for Facebook. It allows read/write access to...

23 020 959 Téléchargements

ci_reporter 2.1.0

CI::Reporter is an add-on to Ruby testing frameworks that allows you to generate XML re...

21 729 748 Téléchargements

braintree 4.20.0

Resources and tools for developers to integrate Braintree's global payments platform.

19 441 555 Téléchargements

activemerchant 1.133.0

Active Merchant is a simple payment abstraction library used in and sponsored by Shopif...

19 101 983 Téléchargements

winrm 2.3.6

Ruby library for Windows Remote Management

17 860 767 Téléchargements

xmlrpc 0.3.3

XMLRPC is a lightweight protocol that enables remote procedure calls over HTTP.

17 853 880 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 382 468 007

Pour cette version 27 115



Version de Ruby requise: >= 2.5.0
