RubyGems Navigation menu

Reverse dependencies for ruby2_keywords Latest version of the following gems require ruby2_keywords

mustermann 3.0.0

A library implementing patterns that behave like regular expressions.

186,488,808 下載

mocha 2.3.0

Mocking and stubbing library with JMock/SchMock syntax, which allows mocking and stubbi...

62,055,418 下載

draper 4.0.2

Draper adds an object-oriented layer of presentation logic to your Rails apps.

41,570,336 下載

arbre 2.0.0

Arbre makes it easy to generate HTML directly in Ruby

36,081,914 下載

grape-path-helpers 2.0.1

Route path helpers for Grape

22,235,787 下載

elastic-apm 4.7.3

The official Elastic APM agent for Ruby

4,777,825 下載

pg_party 1.7.0

Migrations and model helpers for creating and managing PostgreSQL 10 partitions

4,091,978 下載

memery 1.5.0

Memery is a gem for memoization.

2,292,943 下載

active_record-acts_as 5.2.0

Simulate multi-table inheritance for activerecord models using a polymorphic association

1,251,847 下載

capybara-lockstep 2.2.0

Synchronize Capybara commands with client-side JavaScript and AJAX requests

1,041,482 下載

rails-patterns 0.11.0

A collection of lightweight, standardized, rails-oriented patterns.

534,467 下載

granite 0.17.2

Another business actions architecture for Rails apps

453,039 下載

pg_ha_migrations 1.8.0

Enforces DDL/migration safety in Ruby on Rails project with an emphasis on explicitly c...

321,681 下載

async-await 0.6.0

Implements the async/await pattern on top of async :)

320,944 下載

atk_toolbox 0.0.149

The Ruby gem for all the standard tools ATK uses internally

256,574 下載

search_flip 3.8.0

Full-Featured Elasticsearch Ruby Client with a Chainable DSL

249,420 下載

openhab-scripting 5.19.1

JRuby Helper Libraries for openHAB Scripting

245,130 下載

saharspec 0.0.10

Several additions for DRYer RSpec code

215,333 下載

runbook 1.1.0

Runbook provides a DSL for specifying system operations. This DSL is used to generate f...

177,584 下載

schemacop 3.0.28

Schemacop validates ruby structures consisting of nested hashes and arrays against simp...

176,028 下載

brick_ftp 2.1.3

BrickFTP's REST API client.

120,902 下載

redis-memo 1.1.0

A Redis-based version-addressable caching system. Memoize pure functions, aggregated da...

82,640 下載

tori 0.8.0

Simple file uploader

58,463 下載

pathway 0.12.0

Define your business logic in simple steps.

54,746 下載

alt_memery 2.1.0

Alt Memery is a gem for memoization. It's a fork of Memery with implementation via `Unb...

47,810 下載

belated 0.9.0

A simple Ruby backend job framework without Redis or PostgreSQL dependency. Used to be ...

47,507 下載

peastash 0.2.9

Peastash allows you to instrument your code with the ELK stack easily.

33,539 下載

oauth2_api_client 4.0.0

Small but powerful client around oauth2 and http-rb to interact with APIs

28,523 下載

atatus 2.0.2

Atatus Ruby Agent

27,176 下載

aethernal-agent 0.6.0

Install and configure apps on the go.

26,090 下載

總下載次數 302,329,826

這個版本 211,575,525


Ruby, BSD-2-Clause

Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.0.0
