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rubycas-client 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 rubycas-client

cassette 1.8.0

Client for generating and validating CAS TGT/STs

57,840 下載

bcms_cas 1.3.0

Allows a BrowserCMS project to connect to a CAS server to authenticate users.

40,478 下載

rubycas-client-rails 0.1.0

Rails plugin for using the RubyCAS-Client as a controller filter.

36,372 下載

devise_bushido_authenticatable 1.0.3

Bushido SSO authentication module for Devise. A slight variant of the excellent work fr...

27,134 下載

rack-cas-client 0.1.5

Rack middleware that handles user authentication against a cas server

22,165 下載

ucb_rails_security 2.1.1

Simplifies CAS auth and ldap authz within your rails application

18,601 下載

ccls-ccls_engine 3.11.0

longer description of your gem

15,769 下載

authlogic_bushido 0.9.2

Bushido support for Authlogic

13,718 下載

devise_cloudfuji_authenticatable 1.0.5

Cloudfuji SSO authentication module for Devise. A slight variant of the excellent work ...

10,840 下載

rack-cas_client 0.3.0

A Rack Middleware component to authenticate against a CAS server. I (shamefully) forgo...

10,666 下載

authlogic_cloudfuji 0.9.4

Cloudfuji support for Authlogic

9,677 下載

jeffleeismyhero-rubycas-client-rails 0.0.2

Rails plugin for using the RubyCAS-Client as a controller filter.

8,748 下載

jakewendt-calnet_authenticated 0.5.2

longer description of your gem

6,304 下載

ccls-calnet_authenticated 1.3.2

longer description of your gem

5,675 下載

drc_client 0.1.0

Rails client for DeRoseConnect

4,995 下載

authlogic_cas 0.0.2

AuthlogicCas is a CAS (a cross-site authentication system designed at Yale for single s...

4,757 下載

rubycas-client-rails-vpsa 0.1.1

Cliente CAS para a VPSA.

3,812 下載

總下載次數 2,151,390

這個版本 1,857,106


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