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spree_backend 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 spree_backend

spree_dash 2.0.2

Required dependency for Spree

326,046 下載

flowcommerce_spree 0.0.22

Integration of popular Rails/Spree store framework with e-commerce Flow API

212,313 下載

spree_gladly 1.1.0

Spree Connector API

106,891 下載

spree_analytics_trackers 2.1.1

Supports Google Analytics

81,930 下載

spree_delivery_options 2.2.11

Adds delivery date and time during checkout

58,448 下載

spree_mollie_gateway 4.0.1

Mollie payment gateway for Spree Commerce.

48,647 下載

spree_quick_cart 2.2.3

Adds js quick add to cart button to product catalogue

47,118 下載

adcurve_spree 0.0.14

Easy install adcurve support in to your spree ecommerce site

31,716 下載

spree_multi_vendor 2.5.0

Spree Commerce multi vendor marketplace extension

29,967 下載

spree_billing_sisow 0.9.2

Spree billing integration for Sisow iDeal/Bancontact/Sofort/Paypal payments

23,012 下載

spree_repeat_order 2.2.2

Makes it possible to repeat an existing order with one click

22,778 下載

spree_recurring_order 2.2.2

Add the option to create a recurring order

22,539 下載

spree_counties 3.0.4

Add county model to address

16,323 下載

spree_terms_and_conditions 2.2.2

Add terms and conditions checkbox in delivery stage of checkout

15,937 下載

spree_pages 1.0.7

Simple static pages for spree

13,228 下載

spree_channable 0.0.24

Connect your spree store to channable. Receive orders, generate product feeds and send ...

9,968 下載

spree_pluggto 1.1.1

Spree extensions that connect your Spree application with the system via Plugg...

8,629 下載

spree_drop_ship 3.1.3

Adds drop shipping functionality to Spree stores.

7,818 下載

proclaimer 0.3.1

An easy, and extensible transactional event notification add on for Spree.

7,057 下載

spree_frenet 0.1.2

Spree extension with custom calculators to quote shipments via Frenet

6,457 下載

spree_avatax_official 1.9.0

The new officially supported Avalara AvaTax extension for Spree Commerce using Avalara ...

5,885 下載

spree-print-invoice 2.2.0

Print invoices from a spree order

5,869 下載

spree_simple_slider 1.0.2

Spree extension with Slick slider

5,412 下載

spree_summernote 3.0.1

Adds Summernote RTE to Spree 3.0.0 backend

5,103 下載

spree_paysera 1.0.2

Paysera integration for Spree

5,078 下載

spree_braintree_vzero 3.6.0

Official Braintree + PayPal for Spree Commerce

4,961 下載

spree_custom_trackers 0.0.3.alpha

Add (optional) extension description here

4,712 下載

spree_tax_cloud 2.1.0

Spree extension for providing Tax Cloud services in USA.

4,376 下載

spree_stock_notifications 2.2.0

Notifies when stock levels are low or item goes out of stock

4,376 下載

spree_edrone 1.0.2

Supports Edrone

4,337 下載

總下載次數 1,913,966

這個版本 440



Ruby 版本需求: >= 3.0
