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Dépendances inversées pour theforeman-rubocop Latest version of the following gems require theforeman-rubocop

foreman_maintain 1.6.7

Provides various features that helps keeping the Foreman/Satellite up and running.

228 337 Téléchargements

foreman_rh_cloud 9.0.56

Foreman plugin that process & upload data to Red Hat Cloud

141 706 Téléchargements

foreman_bootdisk 21.2.3

Plugin for Foreman that creates iPXE-based boot disks to provision hosts without the ne...

137 208 Téléchargements

foreman_salt 16.0.2

Foreman Plug-in for Salt

102 245 Téléchargements

foreman_virt_who_configure 0.5.22

A plugin to make virt-who configuration easy

65 553 Téléchargements

foreman_scc_manager 3.0.0

Foreman plugin to sync SUSE Customer Center products and repositories into Katello.

63 137 Téléchargements

foreman_fog_proxmox 0.15.1

Foreman plugin adds Proxmox VE compute resource using fog-proxmox. It is compatible wit...

57 947 Téléchargements

puppetdb_foreman 6.0.2

Disable hosts on PuppetDB after they are deleted or built in Foreman. Follow https://gi...

53 673 Téléchargements

foreman_wreckingball 5.0.0

Adds status checks of the VMWare VMs to Foreman.

19 178 Téléchargements

foreman_kubevirt 0.2.0

Provision and manage Kubevirt Virtual Machines from Foreman.

17 535 Téléchargements

foreman_vault 2.0.0

Adds support for using credentials from Hashicorp Vault

12 911 Téléchargements

foreman_rescue 4.0.1

Foreman Plugin to provide the ability to boot a host into a rescue system.

9 907 Téléchargements

foreman_dlm 3.0.0

Adds a Distributed Lock Manager to Foreman. This enables painless system updates for cl...

6 914 Téléchargements

foreman_netbox 1.2.0

Adds integration with NetBox

4 466 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 97 182

Pour cette version 4 490



Version de Ruby requise: >= 0
