RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para webdrivers La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren webdrivers

site_prism 5.0.2

SitePrism gives you a simple, clean and semantic DSL for describing your site. SitePris...

19.099.492 Descargas

page-object 2.3.1

Page Object DSL that works with both Watir and Selenium

14.560.841 Descargas

rspec-html-matchers 0.10.0

Nokogiri based 'have_tag' and 'with_tag' matchers for RSpec. Does not depend on assert_...

10.007.466 Descargas

puffing-billy 4.0.0

A stubbing proxy server for ruby. Connect it to your browser in integration tests to fa...

3.705.171 Descargas

capybara-select-2 0.5.1

Capybara helpers for select box (supports Select2 versions 2/3/4)

1.807.193 Descargas

activeadmin-searchable_select 1.8.0

Use searchable selects based on Select2 in Active Admin forms and filters.

1.749.512 Descargas

webdriver-user-agent 7.9

A helper gem to emulate populate device user agents and resolutions when using webdriver

1.344.368 Descargas

eyes_core 6.3.5

Don't use it directly, take a look at eyes_selenium, eyes_images or eyes_calabash gems ...

1.264.078 Descargas

capybara-chromedriver-logger 0.3.0

Adds realtime console.log output to Capybara + Selenium + Chromedriver

1.018.850 Descargas

orderly 0.1.1

orderly: an rspec assertion for request specs to assert that one piece of content appea...

729.037 Descargas

screen-recorder 1.6.0

A Ruby gem to video record and take screenshots of your desktop or specific applicatio...

582.922 Descargas

browse-everything 1.3.0

AJAX/Rails engine file browser for cloud storage services

375.514 Descargas

turbolinks_render 0.9.21

Use render in your Rails controllers and handle the response with Turbolinks.

353.669 Descargas

mumuki-laboratory 9.23.0

Where students practice and receive automated and human feedback.

278.615 Descargas

appmap 1.1.0

Record the operation of a Ruby program, using the AppLand 'AppMap' format.

262.223 Descargas

nfg_ui 6.16.3

The embodied design system for Network for Good.

252.373 Descargas

geoblacklight 4.4.0

GeoBlacklight provides a world-class discovery platform for geospatial (GIS) holdings. ...

202.943 Descargas

workarea-testing 3.5.27

Provides tooling for writing tests for the Workarea Commerce Platform.

114.481 Descargas

spree_dev_tools 0.2.4

Spree Developer Tools

109.656 Descargas

watchdoge 0.1.28

WatchDoge is RubyOnRails-friendly web frontend regression test tool

91.339 Descargas

lurker 1.0.0

The new de-facto for API testing your Rails application

89.264 Descargas

qa_server 8.0.1

A rails engine with questioning authority gem installed to serve as an authority search...

81.027 Descargas

blacklight_oai_provider 7.0.2

Blacklight Oai Provider plugin

75.877 Descargas

itms_automation 2.8.3

Behavior driven development (BDD) approach to write automation test script to test Web ...

63.916 Descargas

locatine 0.03143

The main goal is to write locators (almost) never

56.158 Descargas

rspec-abq 1.2.0

RSpec::Abq is an rspec plugin that replaces its ordering with one that is controlled by...

54.939 Descargas

spina-conferences-primer_theme 0.5.2

Frontend for Spina::Admin::Conferences plugin, based on Primer.

49.591 Descargas

watir_angular 0.4.1

Adds direct support for Angular specific locators and waiting strategies for use with W...

48.833 Descargas

hyper-router 4.1.1

Adds the ability to write and use the react-router in Ruby through Opal

47.580 Descargas

polaris_view_components 2.1.0

ViewComponents for Polaris Design System

47.564 Descargas

Total de descargas 67.402.478

Para esta versión 3.622.600



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.6.0
