RubyGems Navigation menu

activejob 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 activejob

dynflow 1.8.4

Ruby workflow/orchestration engine

703,356 下载

test_track_rails_client 7.1.1

Easy split testing and feature flagging for Rails with TestTrack server

543,378 下载

activejob_arguments 0.1.0

Enhances Activejob serialization to handle symbols, classes and dates

516,016 下载

sendwithus_ruby_action_mailer 1.0.0

A convenient way to use the Send With Us email service with a Ruby on Rails app. Se...

453,311 下载

influxdb-rails 1.0.3

This gem instruments your Ruby on Rails application using InfluxDB.

446,227 下载

faktory_worker_ruby 2.0.0

Ruby worker for Faktory.

312,121 下载

activejob-cancel 0.3.2

activejob-cancel provides cancel method to Active Job

299,196 下载

journaled 5.3.2

A Rails engine to durably deliver schematized events to Amazon Kinesis via DelayedJob.

295,064 下载

canvas_sync 0.20.3

Gem for generating Canvas models and migrations and syncing data from Canvas

281,315 下载

activejob-traceable 0.4.2

Patches ActiveJob to add trace_id attribute.

277,667 下载

card 1.106.0

Cards are wiki-inspired data atoms.Card "Sharks" use links, nests, types, patterned nam...

258,240 下载

sidecloq 0.5.0

Recurring / Periodic / Scheduled / Cron job extension for Sidekiq

252,505 下载

active_job_status 1.2.1

Job status and batches for ActiveJob. Create trackable jobs, check their status, and ba...

235,890 下载

textris 0.7.1

Implement texter classes for sending SMS messages in similar way to how e-mails are sen...

206,418 下载

activejob-lockable 0.3.0

Prevents jobs from enqueuing with unique arguments for a certain period of time

194,912 下载

sqewer 9.0.0

A full-featured library for all them SQS worker needs

188,576 下载

activejob-locking 0.6.2

activejob-locking lets you control how ActiveJobs are enqueued and performed: Allow on...

177,364 下载

kt-delayed_paperclip 3.1.1

Process your Paperclip attachments in the background with ActiveJob

169,356 下载

solid_cache 0.6.0

A database backed ActiveSupport::Cache::Store

154,621 下载

gush 3.0.0

Gush is a parallel workflow runner using Redis as storage and ActiveJob for executing j...

148,212 下载

omnes 0.2.2

Omnes is a Ruby library implementing the publish-subscribe pattern. This pattern allows...

139,995 下载

active_interaction-extras 1.1.0

Extensions for active_interaction gem

127,237 下载

activejob-perform_later 1.0.2

Take advantage of Active Job you can perform any class method later.

127,049 下载

circuit_switch 0.5.1

circuit_switch is a gem for 'difficult' application. This switch helps to make changes ...

121,354 下载

resque-job_history 0.0.23

Keeps a history of run jobs by job.

111,734 下载

kms_rails 1.0.0

Quickly add KMS encryption and decryption to your ActiveRecord model attributes and Act...

110,938 下载

lev 12.1.0

Ride the rails but don't touch them.

103,952 下载

api_me 0.14.1

This friendly library gives you helpers and generators to assist building RESTful API's...

103,896 下载

queue_classic_plus 1.1.0

Useful extras for Queue Classic

103,636 下载

solid_queue 0.3.2

Database-backed Active Job backend.

101,898 下载

下载总量 439,068,356

这个版本 351,067



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.7.0

新的版本需要开启多因素验证: true

使用多因素验证发布的版本: true
