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mrkurt-mongo_mapper 0.6.11

Awesome gem for modeling your domain and storing it in mongo

15,570 下载

mongo_mapper_ign 0.7.8

A Ruby Object Mapper for Mongo

15,335 下载

readernaut 0.2.0

Wrapper for Readernaut, the best book social network around

14,905 下载

mongoid_ext 0.9.0

mongoid plugins

14,867 下载

transparency_data 0.0.4

Wrapper for the Sunlight Transparency data API

14,263 下载

cardmagic-etsy 0.3.9

A friendly Ruby interface to the Etsy API

14,093 下载

giggly 0.1.2

breaks the gigya web api down into idiomatic ruby for your coding pleasure.

13,594 下载

mongomapper_id2 0.0.5

It is a MongoMapper's plugin to add auto incremented id in MongoMapper's documents.

13,415 下载

joelind-twitter 0.10.2

wrapper for the twitter api

11,825 下载

novelys_mongo_mapper 0.6.12

Fork of MongoMapper with Rails 3 patches

11,684 下载

groupon 1.0.1

Wrapper for the Groupon API

11,490 下载


wrapper for the twitter api on JRuby

11,226 下载


wrapper for the twitter api using multi_json

10,859 下载

redflex-hydrogen-ruby 0.9.2

A Ruby implementation of the Hydrogen API.

10,055 下载

bucketface 0.2.1

Provides a wrapper for Bitbucket API

9,730 下载

deadprogrammer-twitter 0.6.12

wrapper for the twitter api (oauth only)

8,894 下载


Ruby wrapper for the LinkedIn API

8,480 下载

ktopping_acl9 0.13.0

Role-based authorization system for Rails with a nice DSL for access control lists

8,315 下载

mm-logged-time 0.5.1

Logging of query time and load time for MongoMapper

8,299 下载


A Ruby Object Mapper for Mongo (modified by IGN)

8,274 下载

mongomapper_i18n 0.1.0

I18n for MongoMapper, just as in ActiveRecord

7,995 下载

pwnash-mongo_mapper 0.7.6

A Ruby Object Mapper for Mongo

7,949 下载

tpitale-mongo_mapper 0.6.10

Awesome gem for modeling your domain and storing it in mongo

7,883 下载

twitter-lists 0.0.2

A library and command-line tool for working with Twitter lists

7,882 下载


wrapper for the twitter api

7,830 下载

whuffiebank 0.2.0

Ruby wrapper for the Whuffiebank API

7,815 下载

bucketface2 0.4.1

Provides a wrapper for Bitbucket API

7,814 下载

gurunavi 0.1.2

A Ruby wrapper for the Gurunavi API

7,775 下载

treeoid 0.0.1

With treeoid, you can create tree-style hierarchies for Mongoid classes. Just "include ...

7,558 下载

sqoot 1.0.0

Wrapper for Sqoot API. Using FaradayMiddleware

7,067 下载

下载总量 22,133

这个版本 22,133


需要的 Ruby 版本:
