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specinfra 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 specinfra

puppet-module-win-dev-r2.7 1.1.1

A set of gems declaring Puppet module dependencies.

19,739 下載

nodespec 1.0.2

RSpec style tests for multiple nodes/server instances with support for provisioning ins...

15,018 下載

specinfra-ec2_metadata-tags 0.0.5

Specinfra extention to get ec2 tags.

12,591 下載

populus 0.0.4

Consul event definition DSL

11,596 下載

syllabus 0.0.3

Yet Another Configuration Management Tool in the Era of Immutable Infrastructure

8,498 下載

minarai 0.0.3

Minarai Configuration Tool

7,653 下載

itamae-specinfra-command 0.1.1

Wrapper for using Specinfra Command in Itamae

7,641 下載

lightchef 0.0.2

Simple Configuration Management Tool

5,756 下載

ec2spec 0.1.3

ec2spec is a simple comparison tool for Amazon EC2 Instances you can access.

5,526 下載

specinfra-backend-salt 1.0.0

Specinfra backend for SaltStack

3,422 下載

serverspec-clc 2.1.0

RSpec tests for your servers configured by Puppet, Chef or anything else

3,336 下載

specinfra-backend-extension-ssh_su 0.0.1

SSH + su backend for specinfra.

3,285 下載

pullmatic 0.1.0

A tool for collecting server states and printing as JSON string via SSH.

2,918 下載

specinfra-backend-docker_nsenter 0.1.0

Serverspec / Specinfra backend for Docker nsenter execution driver.

2,917 下載

qmail_log 0.1.0

Analyze qmail log for save to hash, and parse it to DDL statements

2,770 下載

serverspec-cem-acpt 2.42.0

serverspec for cem_acpt

1,299 下載

specinfra_termux 0.1.0

Specinfra extension for Termux terminal

953 下載

總下載次數 43,691,187

這個版本 376,230



Ruby 版本需求: >= 0
