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tilt 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 tilt

konacha 4.0.0

Konacha is a Rails engine that allows you to test your JavaScript with the mocha test f...

1,140,181 下载

caracal 1.4.1

Caracal is a pure Ruby Microsoft Word generation library that produces professional qua...

1,084,791 下载

rack-tracker 1.13.0

Don’t fool around with adding tracking partials to your app and concentrate on the thin...

1,075,223 下载

hogan_assets 1.6.0

Use compiled hogan.js (mustache) JavaScript templates with sprockets and the Rails asse...

729,766 下载

awestruct 0.6.7

Awestruct is a static site baking and publishing tool. It supports an extensive list of...

723,386 下载

render_me_pretty 0.9.0

Render ERB template and provide more useful message pointing out the line with the erro...

720,824 下载

grape-jbuilder 0.2.0

Use Jbuilder in Grape

637,988 下载

jsonify 0.4.1

Turn Ruby objects into JSON -- correctly!

612,685 下载

fhir_client 5.0.3

A Gem for handling FHIR client requests in ruby

605,278 下载

hanami-view 2.1.0

A complete, standalone view rendering system that gives you everything you need to writ...

583,361 下载


Jade adapter for the Rails asset pipeline.

508,560 下载

hanami-mailer 1.3.3

Mail for Ruby applications and Hanami mailers

498,429 下载

haml_assets 0.3.0

Use Haml with Rails helpers in the asset pipeline

482,984 下载

cuba 4.0.3

Cuba is a microframework for web applications.

424,284 下载

narou 3.9.0


397,483 下载

goliath 1.0.7

Async framework for writing API servers

396,925 下载

rodauth 2.35.0

Rodauth is Ruby's most advanced authentication framework, designed to work in all rack ...

371,015 下载

sinatra-assetpack 0.3.5

Package your assets for Sinatra.

368,582 下载

mjml-ruby 0.4.1

MJML parser and template engine for Ruby

340,828 下载

livingstyleguide 2.1.0

Automatically generate beautiful front-end style guides with Sass and Markdown. See htt...

338,034 下载

sprockets-coffee-react 4.0.1

Preprocessor for Coffeescript with React JSX (CJSX). This gem makes it easy to int...

330,187 下载

dartsass-sprockets 3.1.0

Use Dart Sass with Sprockets and the Ruby on Rails asset pipeline.

319,248 下载

smt_rails 0.3.0

Shared mustache templates for rails 3

292,590 下载

sinatra_more 0.3.43

Expands sinatra with standard helpers and tools to allow for complex applications

270,020 下载

flavour_saver 2.0.2

FlavourSaver is a pure-ruby implimentation of the Handlebars templating language

248,578 下载

contrast-agent 7.6.1

This gem instantiates a Rack middleware for rack-based web applications in order to pro...

236,879 下载

showoff 0.20.4

Showoff is a Sinatra web app that reads simple configuration files for a presentation...

236,625 下载

conjoin 0.0.85

Still in development

225,473 下载

classiccms 0.7.5

Webcms is a wrapper that automatigically will create a layer. It enables programmers to...

213,407 下载

bridge_api 0.3.2

Ruby gem for interacting with the bridge API

209,569 下载

下载总量 549,956,972

这个版本 23,386,816



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.0
