acts_as_moderatable 0.1.0
Rails plugin for change-tracking and moderating visibility and status of your ActiveModels
2.596 Descargas
acts_as_money 0.2.6
A fairly trivial plugin allowing easy serialisation of Money values (from the money gem...
82.176 Descargas
acts_as_mongo_rateable 0.2.1
A ratings system for Rails apps using MongoDB, with bayesian and straight averages, and...
18.617 Descargas
acts_as_mongo_taggable 0.2.2
A ruby gem for acts_as_taggable to mongo
24.700 Descargas
acts_as_monitor 2.0.0
Monitor model via private methods warn_*? and error_*?
63.674 Descargas
acts_as_moonable 0.3.4
ActsAsMoonable gem provides extended methods for rails.
7.822 Descargas
acts_as_mt_object 0.0.1
The active record's adapter to the database created by Movable Type
5.979 Descargas
acts_as_multilingual 0.0.1
Store multilingual columns in JSON
3.678 Descargas
acts_as_multipart_form 0.0.16
Multipart forms using custom routes
125.889 Descargas
acts_as_multi_tenant 2.3.1
An ActiveRecord plugin for multi-tenant databases
52.748 Descargas
acts_as_muschable 0.1.0
Do not use me unless you are not you but somebody else.
9.918 Descargas
acts_as_nested_by 0.1.4
The acts_as_nested_by class method add 3 instance methods to the model. nested_by...
34.443 Descargas
acts_as_nested_interval 0.2.0
Encode Trees in RDBMS using nested interval method for powerful querying and speedy ins...
90.763 Descargas
acts_as_network 0.1.0
Simplify the definition and storage of "network" relationships, especially useful for s...
12.077 Descargas
acts_as_newsletter 0.1
Allows to send a models content as a batch e-mail to a list
8.493 Descargas
acts_as_nice_url 2.0.1
This Ruby on Rails acts_as extension provides the capabilities for creating a nice url ...
27.409 Descargas
acts_as_node 0.0.3
25.789 Descargas
acts_as_normalized 0.0.1
acts_as_normalized lets you fetch records from the database with far fewer return trips...
4.649 Descargas
acts_as_nosql 0.1.3
It allows to handle JSON and JSONB fields as if they are proper database columns, handl...
3.362 Descargas
acts_as_notifiable 0.0.9
This gem creates notifiable objects, and allows objects to be set as read
62.004 Descargas
acts_as_notifiable_redmine 0.1.1
A Ruby gem who provides a small DSL to register Pusher channels and events in Redmine
8.697 Descargas
acts_as_notificable 0.0.7
Add notifications for ActiveRecord objects
4.198 Descargas
acts_as_notifier 0.0.1
acts_as_notifier is an add-on for ActiveRecord models used to notify users of new and u...
4.788 Descargas
acts_as_nps_rateable 0.0.5
Rails gem that provides Net Promoter Score (NPS) ratings and analysis for ActiveRecord ...
63.451 Descargas
acts_as_oauth_accessible 0.1.0
Rails plugin that enables your models to access OAuth services
18.446 Descargas
acts_as_opengraph 0.0.5
ActiveRecord extension that turns your models into graph objects. Includes helper metho...
66.122 Descargas
acts-as-optionable 0.4.3
Add options to ActiveRecord models. I don't advise using this yet, as it's very alpha.
86.573 Descargas
acts_as_oqgraph 1.0.1
Acts As OQGraph allows ActiveRecord models to use the fast and powerful OQGraph engine ...
72.568 Descargas
acts_as_orderable 0.1.4
Rails gem allowing ActiveRecord models to have order and to move them up and down
75.811 Descargas
acts_as_ordered 0.0.2.alpha
Add ordered dynamic scope to models
5.922 Descargas