RubyGems Navigation menu


ada_dev 0.0.1

A gem to automate Ada Dev life

5.005 Descargas

adafruit_charlcd 0.1.0

A port of the Adafruit_Python_CharLCD Library

2.806 Descargas

adafruit-io 2.0.0

API Client Library for the Adafruit IO product

29.913 Descargas

adafruit-servo-driver 0.0.2

A Ruby implementation of Adafruit's Python library for the Adafruit PCA9685 16-Channel ...

7.382 Descargas

ad_agency 0.1.2

One of the facilities I missed in moving from hoe to jeweler was the ability to easily ...

18.942 Descargas

ad_agent 0.0.6


30.955 Descargas

ad-agent_architecture 0.0.24

Architecture/Schema for AI Agents

3.360 Descargas

adal 1.0.0

Windows Azure Active Directory authentication client library

527.387 Descargas

adalog 0.5.0

A not-quite logger, with several storage methods. Records occurrences, provides a web a...

9.804 Descargas

adam 1.6.0

Adam is a library for all things EVE

63.002 Descargas

adam12-maxmind 0.1.2


4.355 Descargas

adam6050 0.1.4

This library implements a server that emulates the functionality of the network connect...

10.200 Descargas

adama 0.1.5

Command and Invoker pattern.

17.527 Descargas

adamaig-ruby_activeworld 0.3

A ruby binding, and sugary methods for the Activeworlds SDK. You must have the linux sd...

10.685 Descargas

adamantite 0.0.16

A local password manager written in Ruby.

5.527 Descargas

adamantium 0.2.0

Immutable extensions to objects

26.218.912 Descargas

ada_matcher 0.1.4

Adds custom rspec matchers that test watir Page objects for ADA compliance

30.409 Descargas

adambair-mounce 0.0.0

Mounce will post your current itunes track to Presently.

4.310 Descargas

adamborowiec_palindrome 0.1.0

Learn enough

1.919 Descargas

adamb-ruby-opencv 0.0.7

OpenCV wrapper for Ruby.

4.380 Descargas

adamcooke-codebase 3.0.9

Provides easy access to the Codebase interface by adding some launchy options. Also, in...

11.221 Descargas

adamcooke-htmlserve 1.0.3

A simple sinatra based server for rendering HTML sites

11.148 Descargas

adamcooke-key-installer 1.1

Tiny utility to install SSH keys onto remote machines

4.426 Descargas

adamcooke-radar 1.0.0

Quick access to Radar rake tasks

4.409 Descargas

adamcooper-ar_mailer 2.0.2

Even delivering email to the local machine may take too long when you have to send hund...

4.300 Descargas

adamcooper-tidy 1.2.0

Forked Ruby interface to HTML Tidy Library Project with important bugfixes

4.395 Descargas

adamelliot-nifty-generators 0.1.0

A collection of useful generator scripts for Rails.

4.353 Descargas

adam_gemtest 0.1.0

blarg blarg

6.776 Descargas


AMQP client implementation in Ruby/EventMachine

4.396 Descargas

adamh-asset_library 0.3.3

Manage and bundle CSS and JavaScript files

31.809 Descargas