RubyGems Navigation menu


aigu-rails 0.1.1

Add support for Rails locales with aigu

6.735 Descargas

aihs_devise 1.2.rc

Flexible authentication solution for Rails with Warden

3.109 Descargas

aihs_devise_invitable 0.4.rc

It adds support for send invitations by email (it requires to be authenticated) and acc...

3.097 Descargas

AiitA1336mnHola 0.0.0

A simple hello world gem

3.937 Descargas

aiit_e1506ak_hola 0.0.1

A simple hello world gem

6.734 Descargas

aiit_xianx1984_hola 0.0.0

A simple hello aiit gem

3.856 Descargas

aiit_xiaoyong_hola 0.0.1

A simple hello world gem

6.696 Descargas

aikatsu_calendar 0.1.1

Aikatsu calendar

5.310 Descargas

aikido-ruby-client 0.0.4

A Ruby client for the Aikido API (

1.509 Descargas

aikido-zen 0.1.1

Embedded Web Application Firewall that autonomously protects Ruby apps against common a...

2.405 Descargas

aikotoba 0.1.1

Aikotoba is a Rails engine that makes it easy to implement simple email and password au...

2.322 Descargas

ailurus 2.0.3

Ruby client gem for newsroom data libraries running PANDA

11.763 Descargas

aim 0.1.1

Ruby gem for making AIM bots really easy to create

6.937 Descargas

aimastering 1.1.0

This is a AI Mastering API document. You can use the mastering feature of [AI Mastering...

4.379 Descargas

aims 0.3.0

Support for generation and parsing of input and output files for FHI-AIMS DFT package

14.599 Descargas

aims_project 0.3.4

This gem simplifies and streamlines the calculation pipeline for FHI-AIMS.

13.110 Descargas

aims_project_windows 0.3.4

This gem simplifies and streamlines the calculation pipeline for FHI-AIMS.

17.319 Descargas

aimtp 0.0.2


3.716 Descargas

aina 0.4.0

Code generation for WordPress

18.745 Descargas

ai-neat 0.2.5

NeuroEvolution of Augmenting Topologies (NEAT) ruby gem.

3.810 Descargas

ai-nlp 0.1.0

This gem contains a grouping of ruby tools related to Artificial Intelligence and Aut...

2.778 Descargas

ainner 0.12.0

HTML5 Application Assembler

3.431 Descargas

ai_noto 0.3.1

A gem to send messagesto loved ones

7.186 Descargas

ainterface 1.0

Provides an abstract interface to Ruby

3.473 Descargas

aio 0.1.2

Robust library for remotely controlling Arduino boards using the serial port.

7.141 Descargas

aio_elin 1.1.8


35.497 Descargas

aioli_log_formatter 0.1.0

Logging formatter for Rails

12.391 Descargas

aion 0.0.1

A gem for performing time calculations.

4.062 Descargas

aion-enigma 1.0.0

Small utility for encrypting/decrypting a string based on a shared secret. Based on AES...

5.462 Descargas

aion-request-translations 1.0.2

A i18n backend for loading per request specific translations for a rails app in a threa...

9.454 Descargas