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akephalos-nerian 0.2.4

Headless Browser for Integration Testing with Capybara

12.347 Descargas

aker 3.0.4

A flexible authentication and authorization framework for Rack applications.

44.389 Descargas

aker-cas_cli 1.0.0

Provides an Aker-compatible way to acquire CAS proxy tickets in a non-interactive conte...

6.173 Descargas

aker-confident 0.1.1


5.850 Descargas


R10K provides a general purpose toolset for deploying Puppet environments and modules. ...

1.860 Descargas

akero 1.1.1

Easy peer-to-peer public key cryptography

28.149 Descargas

aker-rails 3.0.2

Easy Rails integration for the Aker security framework

25.476 Descargas

akeyless 4.3.0

The purpose of this application is to provide access to Akeyless API.

44.799 Descargas

akezurel_scrape 0.0.0

Softspec KU lab subject assignment that scrapes a stock market url.

1.847 Descargas

akido_lib 0.2.0

Description of AkidoLib.

2.428 Descargas

akido_pubsub 3.0.1

Allows for the reading and creation of pubsub channels/subscriptions

2.431 Descargas

akin 0.0.1

Akin is a plugin system that is compatible client side, thanks to Opal.

3.154 Descargas

akinlawona_palindrome 0.1.0

Learn Enough Ruby palindrome detector

2.245 Descargas

aki-operations 1.0.0

Manage your users' operations (permissions to execute some actions) in your application.

2.571 Descargas

akio_view_tool 0.1.0

Provides generated HTML data for Rails Applications.

2.371 Descargas

akismet 3.0.0

A Ruby client for the Akismet API

32.029.502 Descargas

akismetor 1.0.0

Spam protection with Akismet and Typepad

195.865 Descargas

akita-har_logger 0.2.14

Middleware instrumentation for logging HTTP request-response pairs to a HAR file.

27.589 Descargas

akitaonrails-activerecord-sqlserver-adapter 1.1.1

SQL Server adapter for Active Record

7.701 Descargas

akitaonrails-dry_scaffold 0.3.3

A DRYer scaffold generator for Rails. Generates dry semantic and standards compliant vi...

4.323 Descargas

akitaonrails-locarails 1.2.0

A maneira mais simples para instalar aplicacoes Rails na hospedagem Linux da Locaweb.

51.517 Descargas

akitaonrails-lw-pagto-certo 0.0.5

Integração para o serviço Pagamento Certo, da Locaweb.

14.597 Descargas

akitaonrails-mygist 0.0.1

encapsulates Gist operations in a library

4.378 Descargas

akitaonrails-resource_controller 0.5.3

Rails RESTful controller abstraction plugin.

7.746 Descargas

akitaonrails-shift_subtitle 1.1.1

Easy way to shift time from your SRT subtitle files.

11.623 Descargas

akitaonrails-utility_belt 1.0.13

A grab-bag of IRB power user madness. -- now with linux

16.743 Descargas

aki-testrocket 0.0.3

A super lightweight testing library for Ruby

10.844 Descargas

akiva 0.1.1

Akiva is a simple natural language processing, question-answering artificial intelligen...

12.242 Descargas

akka 0.0.5

Interface for concurrency in jruby

27.067 Descargas

akka-actor-jars 2.2.1

Akka Actors JARs from

20.146 Descargas