RubyGems Navigation menu


alula-ruby 2.10.0

Alula Ruby API Client

39.478 Descargas

alula-themes 0.4.27

Offers default theme as well some basic themes for Alula blogs.

142.722 Descargas

alumina 0.0.1

This gem parses HyperChem's .HIN files, PDB files, and in the future others, converting...

6.421 Descargas

alux 0.0.2

Alux is Ruby on Rails framework clone for learning purpose

317 Descargas

alvalaxia 0.1

Fetches all Sporting Clube de Portugal football home games and adds them as events to a...

5.838 Descargas

alvarobp-acts_as_inverse_sortable 0.1.0

Negative timestamp on an Active Record model

4.292 Descargas

alvarobp-inverse_sortable 0.1.0

Sets negative timestamps on Active Record models for efficiently sort in reverse order.

4.304 Descargas

alvarobp-partigirb 0.1.1


7.602 Descargas

alvarodelatorre_view_tool 0.1.0

Provides HTML data for rails applications.

2.894 Descargas

alveole 0.0.1

Components and generator for the Alveole design system

2.583 Descargas

alvess_temperature_check_gem 0.1.1

Converts Celsius to Fahrenheit

257 Descargas

alvid 0.2.5

Alvid is an advanced AI bot that integrates with slack.

19.865 Descargas

alvin_population_growth 0.2.0

A CLI Ruby Gem to hit my population growth API

2.488 Descargas

alvin_view_tool 0.1.0

Provides generated HTML data for Rails Applications.

2.481 Descargas

alwan 0.1.1

Alwan is a Ruby gem for colorizing text in the command line.

4.076 Descargas

always 0.0.5

You may need this framework if you have a routine task that must be performed every onc...

4.636 Descargas

always_be_contributing 0.0.1

Always Be Contributing counts who has contributing most to your orginization on Git...

4.934 Descargas

always_execute 0.2.3

Adds execute and expect test blocks for added BDD test clarity.

224.578 Descargas

always_has_one 1.0.0

Make sure a has_one association always exists

3.708 Descargas

always_verify_ssl_certificates 0.3.0

Ruby’s net/http is setup to never verify SSL certificates by default. Most ruby librari...

26.067 Descargas

alx 0.0.1

Command line tool to manage your markdown documents. ( beta )

5.371 Descargas

alxtz_palindrome 0.1.0

Learn Enough Ruby palindrome detector

2.796 Descargas

aly 0.3.5

A simple wrapper for aliyun cli

15.603 Descargas

am 0.1.7

command note command.

46.141 Descargas

ama_css 0.1.0

["This gem has been created to standardized use of css files for basic AMA applications."]

25.603 Descargas

amadeus 5.2.1

Ruby library for the Amadeus travel APIs, providing hotel, flight, airport, and oth...

122.106 Descargas

amadeus-discover 1.1.0

Ruby wrapper around Amadeus Discover API

2.276 Descargas

ama-entity-mapper 0.1.0

Converts and instantiates classes from native data structures

8.366 Descargas

ama_foundation_css 0.0.31

Leverage foundation as the base for AMA's websites

4.119 Descargas

amagi-captions 1.3.2

Subtitle Editor and Converter written in Ruby. Captions can read/modify/export subtitle...

866 Descargas