RubyGems Navigation menu


amber_extension_generator 1.0.0

A utility for generating new extensions or component libraries which hook into `amber_c...

1.266 Descargas

amber-kit 0.0.5

Useful network toolkit for create your application

7.072 Descargas

amberletters 0.1.0

Amberletters is a console automation framework, similar to the classic utility Expe...

2.704 Descargas

amberlock 0.0.2

AmberLock gem for Rails

8.464 Descargas

amber_odm 1.0.3

Simple ElasticSearch ODM

1.994 Descargas

AmberRack 0.1.0

Smalltalk brought to the web

5.985 Descargas

amber-rails 0.1.0

Rails 3 engine that exposes Amber (JS, CSS, and WebDAV)

5.744 Descargas

ambert-simplekiss 0.2.1

A simple library which adds KISSMetrics javascript to your pages, based on a YAML confi...

6.285 Descargas

AmberVM 0.0.20

A ruby based VM that lets one add secure scripting to ruby applications.

11.706 Descargas

ambethia-backup 0.1.0

Beginning-to-end solution for backups and rotation.

7.542 Descargas

ambethia-bj 1.2.1

Backgroundjob (Bj) is a brain dead simple, zero admin, background priority queue for Ra...

4.336 Descargas

ambethia-git-railed 0.1

Setup a new rails app, git repo, and all the initial prep in one step.

4.242 Descargas

ambethia-google-client_login 1.1.0

A simple library for authenticating against the Google ClientLogin API

7.504 Descargas

ambethia-jsmin 1.0.1

Ruby implementation of Douglas Crockford's JSMin JavaScript minifier.

4.258 Descargas

ambethia-mousetrap 0.5.1

CheddarGetter API Client in Ruby

6.352 Descargas

ambethia-rack-google_analytics 1.0.0

Embeds GA tracking code in the bottom of HTML documents

4.262 Descargas

ambethia-recaptcha 0.2.2

This plugin adds helpers for the reCAPTCHA API

4.664 Descargas

ambethia-smtp-tls 1.1.2

A gem package for the SMTP TLS code that's been floating around for years

42.455 Descargas

ambidexter 0.0.8

Ambidexter hands two hands and will give bouth to help you in testing your network for ...

19.865 Descargas

ambience 2.0.0

App configuration feat. YAML and JVM properties

34.326 Descargas

ambient 0.1.0

Allow the color and animation settings to be changed on an Ambient Ord or Beacon - htt...

6.295 Descargas

ambientes 0.0.2


6.149 Descargas

ambient_iot 0.1.1

AmbientIot is a ruby library which helps to upload IoT data to the Ambient service.

5.089 Descargas

ambient-orb 0.0.2

Only supports the serial interface as ambientdevices' service no longer exists

6.108 Descargas

ambient-ruby-client 0.1.5

Use this gem to get data from the Ambient Weather REST API

499 Descargas

ambient_spec 2.0.2

Creates an ambient soundscape for your test suite.

26.038 Descargas

ambient-xcode 0.8.1

CLI for configuring Xcode projects from a Ruby file.

31.547 Descargas

ambit 0.13

Ambit is a ruby non-deterministic programming system with backtracking and branch cut.

33.107 Descargas

ambition 0.5.4

Ambition builds yer API calls from plain jane Ruby.

79.932 Descargas

ambitious-activeldap 0.1.1

An ambitious adapter for ActiveLDAP

11.661 Descargas