RubyGems Navigation menu


ammado 1.0.6

Using Ammado API with Ruby (and Rails).

18.760 Descargas

ammars_mega_lotto 0.2.0

A Ruby gem to generate lottery drawings.

7.141 Descargas

ammeter 1.1.7

Write specs for your Rails 3+ generators

937.031 Descargas

ammitto 0.1.0

Amitto: retrieve sanctioned people and organizations from various published sources

1.874 Descargas

ammon_view_tool 0.1.0

Description of gem for this application

2.804 Descargas

ammu_socket_manager 0.1.1

Ammu Socket Manager is a simple WebSocket Manager that absracts the task of creating an...

9.352 Descargas

amnesia 1.2.0

With Amnesia you'll know exactly whats happening with memory when it comes to memcached.

15.813 Descargas

amnesie 0.0.9

A tool to make your computer amnesic"

15.975 Descargas

amo_crm 0.2.2

Правильный клиент для работы c REST XML API, созданный по принципам SOLID

3.074 Descargas

amocrm-rails 0.0.12

Rails wrapper API AmoCrm

19.768 Descargas

amoeba 3.3.0

An extension to ActiveRecord to allow the duplication method to also copy associated ch...

6.921.735 Descargas

amoeba_deploy_tools 0.0.10

Easy Chef Solo / Knife operation with Amoeba Deploy Tools.

36.563 Descargas

amoeba-js-rails 0.1.0

Amoeba.js is a lightweight JS framework designed to work with Rails (but potentially an...

5.152 Descargas

amoeba_merge_query 0.0.1

"Build for merge amoeba for sql query"

5.123 Descargas

amok_time 0.1.0

Amok Time is designed for end-to-end testing distributed systems where certain behavior...

3.236 Descargas

a_moment_ago 1.1.6

A gem that formats time intervals as relative dates in Ruby/Rails

5.853 Descargas

amon 0.12.0

Ruby client for the AMEE AMON API

43.408 Descargas

amoniac 0.1.7


15.965 Descargas

amonitor 0.0.2

BJSS Availability Monitor

3.066 Descargas

amor 0.3.1

AMoR is a Ruby DSL for mathematical programming. It allows to simply define a mathemati...

21.212 Descargas

amorail 0.7.2

Ruby API client for AmoCRM. You can integrate your system with it.

76.110 Descargas

amorim-algorithms 0.6.1

Heap, Priority Queue, Deque, Stack, Queue, Red-Black Trees, Splay Trees, sorting algori...

4.122 Descargas

Amortize 0.0.1

Tools for mortgage calculations etc

5.836 Descargas

amortizer 0.1.0

A simple gem to calculate amortizing loan payments, as part of training at Samyukti

12.501 Descargas

amos 0.0.4

A simple server that determines the model and action data based upon the incoming url.

19.680 Descargas

amount 1.0.0

An amount of money with currency and 18-digit precision.

570 Descargas

amountable 0.5.0

With Amountable, you can easily attach, organize and sum Ruby money fields to your mode...

767.643 Descargas

amount_field 1.4.3

Rails gem/plugin that accepts (amount) values in german or us format like 1.234,56 or 1...

21.352 Descargas

amount_field_rails3 3.0.1

Rails gem/plugin that accepts (amount) values in german or us format like 1.234,56 or 1...

11.177 Descargas

amount_formatter 0.0.3

Amount formatting for Ruby.

20.031 Descargas