RubyGems Navigation menu


anchor_view_components 0.50.0

ViewComponents for Buoy’s design system, Anchor

38.923 Descargas

ancient-city-ruby 2013.1

Ancient City Ruby Conf gem!

8.879 Descargas

ancient_mock 0.0.1

A simple mock object library I built on stage at Ancient City Ruby. Do not use in produ...

5.204 Descargas

anc-jekyll-theme 0.1.0

summary, because Rubygems requires one

3.609 Descargas

ancor-cli 0.2

CLI used to interact with the ANCOR server API

14.833 Descargas

ancv_gem1 0.0.3

Testing create gem with RubyJains

11.682 Descargas

andand 1.3.3

Maybe Monad in idiomatic Ruby.

3.947.387 Descargas

andand2 0.0.1

Unlike andand, andand2 can be placed at the start of a chain, not just where you antici...

6.257 Descargas

andbilling 0.0.0

Only available : 'AndBilling::Security.verify(base64_encoded_public_key , data , signat...

5.777 Descargas

andeltsa 0.1.0

Carries out Tweets analysis using Alchemy Sentiment Analysis API

3.489 Descargas

andeogen 0.0.3

Andeogen is a tiny gem to ease android layout development

4.824 Descargas

ander 1.0.29

Setup Rspec for Rails environment including all configurations and command line inputs ...

88.272 Descargas

andersen_copyright_tool 0.1.0

"Creates a copyright tag with parameters for name"

2.805 Descargas

andersjacobsen-mirmaid_mir2disease 0.1.0


7.439 Descargas

anderson_jessie_view_tool 0.1.0

Provides generated HTML data for Rails applications.

2.807 Descargas

anderson_view_tool 0.1.0

Provides generated HTML data for Rails applications.

2.952 Descargas

andes-photocentric-jekyll-theme 0.1.0

A photocentric jekyll theme for photographers and travelbloggers

2.877 Descargas

and_feathers 0.0.1

Declaratively build GZipped Tarballs in memory

24.433 Descargas

and_feathers-gzipped_tarball 1.0.0.pre

Turn AndFeathers archives into tgz archives

15.293 Descargas

and_feathers-zip 1.0.0.pre

Turn AndFeathers archives into zip archives

2.384 Descargas

andhapp-decoct 1.9.9

Sinatra Rspec project generator

59.498 Descargas

andhapp-players 1.1.1

Players - Photoshop Layers

10.846 Descargas

andi-simple-navigation 1.4.2

Simple Navigation is a ruby library for creating a navigation (optionally with sub navi...

30.214 Descargas

andomly 0.0.1

its random i promise

4.079 Descargas

andoq-vestal_versions 0.6.1

Keep a DRY history of your ActiveRecord models' changes

4.247 Descargas

andor 0.1.0

Andor is a simple name generator based on an 'And/Or' JSON format. It includes simple e...

2.585 Descargas

andparcel 0.4.1

Supplies the parcel command for packaging, installing, and removing parcels from an And...

36.661 Descargas

andpush 0.2.1

Android Push Notification in Ruby: simple, fast, high-quality client for FCM (Firebase ...

736.925 Descargas

andrake 1.1.1

Andrake is rake tasks for android development

29.053 Descargas

andre-geokit 1.5.0

Geokit Gem

43.549 Descargas