RubyGems Navigation menu


android-adb 0.0.6

Ruby bindings for the Android SDK adb command.

23.787 Descargas

android-adb-extension 0.1.2

Android Debug Bridge extension provides convenient metaclass to execute ADB shell comma...

35.316 Descargas

android_apk 0.9.0

Library for analyzing Android APK application package. You can get any information of a...

52.447 Descargas

android_app_index 0.2.0

Search and store <package, name, icon_url> in Algolia

4.667 Descargas

android-cli 0.0.4

Runs android commands from ruby such as `android update project`

14.027 Descargas

android-command-line-tools 0.1.0

Useful command line tools for android developers

3.158 Descargas

android-devices 1.0.1

Human readable Android device names

34.311 Descargas

android_drawable_resizer 0.0.2

You can work with icons only in the highest density (xxxhpdi, for example) and let the ...

4.273 Descargas

android_emulator 9001.0

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

2.129 Descargas

android_file_sorter 1.0.0

Tiny gem for managing files copied from Android OS 4.3.

3.680 Descargas

android_img_resizer 1.0.0

Tool to resize Android Resource images

13.768 Descargas

android_in_app_billing 0.2.1

Implements in-app purchase data parsing, signature validation,

7.790 Descargas

android_key_attestation 0.3.0

Android key attestation verification

27.393.582 Descargas

android_lint_translate_checkstyle_format 0.2.0

Translate android lint format into checkstyle format.

131.779 Descargas

android_market_api 0.3.2

API for parsing Android Market and getting some usefull information about applications

21.076 Descargas

android_motion_query 0.2.2

Making RubyMotion android development easy and enjoyable

6.799 Descargas

android_parser 2.7.0

Static analysis tool for android apk since 2021

120.391 Descargas

android-publisher 0.0.14

The gem allows you to upload and control your Google Android applications

11.849 Descargas

android_query 0.0.6

Making RubyMotion android development easy and enjoyable

13.152 Descargas

android_reporter 0.0.1

Open Android Emeulators Then Generate Report File From Tests then Upload the File To Slack

2.545 Descargas

android_reviews 0.1.0

Android Play Store app reviews scraper for Ruby

3.526 Descargas

android-sdk 0.0.0

Base gem for some ruby android sdk stuff I'm planning.'

6.640 Descargas

android-sdk-installer 1.1.1

Android SDK installer

22.602 Descargas

android-services 0.2.0

The gem aims to provide an API for google services including google play which interact...

10.992 Descargas

android_string_resources_validator 0.1.0

Validates an Android string resource file against the specification at http://developer...

9.043 Descargas

android_workstation 0.0.3

Android utilities to be executed within the android root project following a standard s...

15.147 Descargas

android-xml 1.4.1

Add this to your build process, and never write XML again! Plus, you can have multiple...

47.424 Descargas

andromeda 0.1.5

Andromeda is a light weight framework for complex event processing on multicore archite...

23.096 Descargas

andrzejsliwa-session_management 1.0.0

Session Management Plugin in object oriented way.

4.234 Descargas

and-son 0.9.1

Simple Sanford client for Ruby.

52.069 Descargas