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ansible-vault 0.2.1

A ruby implementation of Ansible's vault utilities. Currently supports the AES256 varia...

1.459.384 Descargas

ansible-wrapper 0.3.0

A lightweight Ruby wrapper around Ansible that allows for ad-hoc commands and playbook ...

78.412 Descargas

ansi_chameleon 0.1.1

Colorizes text terminal output by converting custom HTML-like tags into color ANSI esca...

19.112 Descargas

ansi_codes 0.0.1

ANSI state and county codes.

7.490 Descargas

ansi_colors 0.1.3

Adds methods to add ansi colors escape codes to the standard String class

20.692 Descargas

ansi_escape 0.0.4

Extends the String class to handle basic ANSI escape sequences with...

4.058 Descargas

ansify 0.0.2

A command-line tool to convert PNG images to ANSI escape codes.

10.174 Descargas

ansi_palette 0.0.1

A gem for helping you color strings with ANSI escape codes.

3.734 Descargas

ansirc 1.1.0

An extremely simple library to convert between ANSI and IRC color codes.

9.952 Descargas

ansi-select 0.3.4

This gem allows you to select array elements (where an array is some arbitrary input) w...

33.335 Descargas

ansi_sgr_to_html 1.1.1

Converter for complete ANSI SGR codes to HTML. Similar to ansitags gem, but smaller out...

13.129 Descargas

ansi-showcase 0.0.1

A little command line utility that showcases Term::ANSIColor

5.265 Descargas

ansispan 0.0.2

Ruby port of the ansispan JS library.

5.523 Descargas

ansi_stream 0.0.6

Javascipt to colorize HTML with span

48.412 Descargas

ansi_string 0.1.0

ANSIString is a String library that is ANSI-sequence-aware

4.447 Descargas

ansi-sys 0.8.3

Ruby-ANSI.SYS is a library to render texts with ANSI escape sequences.

62.558 Descargas

ansi-sys-revived 0.8.4

A library to render texts with ANSI escape sequences. Revived from RubyForge.

5.280 Descargas

ansitags 0.1.2

Converts ANSI codes to HTML tags

16.704 Descargas

ansiterm 0.4.2

ANSI/VT102 terminal output with windowing

15.243 Descargas

ansi_text_styles 1.1.1

Adds methods to apply ANSI colour codes and text styles to strings.

6.843 Descargas

ansi-to-html 0.0.3

ANSI color sequence to HTML

263.525 Descargas

ansi_up-rails 0.1.2

This gem provides ansi_up for your Rails 4+ application.

10.594 Descargas

ansi_utils 0.1.1

ANSI escape code utils. Move cursor, Erase data, etc...

11.310 Descargas

ansj_seg 0.0.5

AnsjSeg for jRuby

2.839 Descargas

ansr 0.0.5

Wrapping the no-sql data sources in Rails-like models and relations

14.664 Descargas

ansr_blacklight 0.0.5

Wrapping the Blacklight/RSolr in Rails-like models and relations

11.202 Descargas

ansr_dpla 0.0.5

Wrapping the DPLA APIs in Rails-like models and relations

7.739 Descargas

anstaendig 0.1.4

anstaendig is a extendable script to rip movie clips from TV station media center sites.

26.326 Descargas

ansu 0.0.2

Generates lorem ipsum text

5.990 Descargas

answer 0.1.0

A json-renderable result object working well with AR, AM Serializers, and Rails.

3.741 Descargas