archive_lister 0.0.1
Ask archives about URLs
4.761 Descargas
archive_migration 0.1.0
To archive migration files to another folder
2.485 Descargas
archive-pecan 0.1.0
Deal with virtual electronic component files known as Pecan component archives.
975 Descargas
archiver 1.1.0
Archiver is a simple gem to rename photos and videos depending on creation date and exi...
18.125 Descargas
archiverb 0.9.0
Native Ruby implementations of tar and ar archives
4.975 Descargas
archives 0.0.1
Ruby Gem for Korea Government Archives Search OpenAPI
6.146 Descargas
archivesspace-client 0.4.1
Interact with ArchivesSpace via the API.
28.876 Descargas
archive-tar 0.9.0
An interface library for reading and writing UNIX tar files.
8.897 Descargas
archive-tar2 1.5
Improved TAR implementation in Ruby
37.259 Descargas
archive-tar-external 1.5.0
The archive-tar-external is a simple wrapper interface for creating tar files using...
118.159 Descargas
archive-tar-minitar 0.12
'archive-tar-minitar' has been deprecated; just install 'minitar'. The minitar library ...
9.563.362 Descargas
archive_today 0.2.1
Submit a URL to the service to preserve it's contents in a Memento-compat...
5.382 Descargas
archive_tree 1.0.3
ArchiveTree is a Ruby Gem that makes it easy for you to create beautiful chronological ...
29.714 Descargas
archive_uploader 0.2
Upload stats to stat_fu webserver
15.823 Descargas
archive-utils 0.1.0
Contains classes to archive and retrieve digital object version content and metadata
7.180 Descargas
archive-zip 0.12.0
Archive::Zip provides a simple Ruby-esque interface to creating, extracting, and updati...
25.095.734 Descargas
archiving 0.6.0
Archiving aged records to archive table
14.146 Descargas
archivist 1.1.2
This is a functional replacement for acts_as_archive in rails 3 a...
30.726 Descargas
archivist-client 0.2.4
archivist-client queries for book data and downloads some things.
34.970 Descargas
archlinux 0.3.0
Archlinux DSL to manage whole system state
1.521 Descargas
archon 0.0.5
A collection of methods and classes that unleash the power of the database :D
20.055 Descargas
archpackager 0.0.1
DSL engine for building Arch packages
3.052 Descargas
arch_presenter 0.1.6
This lightweight implementation of presenter pattern allows you to extract the presenta...
12.154 Descargas
archruby 0.3.0
Compliance and Architectural Visualization in Ruby systems
13.098 Descargas
archy 0.0.0
Database Designer Gem
4.146 Descargas
arcjet 0.0.0
A placeholder release for the Arcjet Ruby SDK.
436 Descargas
arc-laravel 0.0.4
Capistrano files for deploying Laravel apps at Architect
7.636 Descargas
arc_length 0.0.2
Calculate arc length for a given radius and arc measure
6.792 Descargas
arclight 1.4.0
A Blacklight-based environment to support discovery and delivery for archives and speci...
40.779 Descargas
arco 0.8.2
A fixed sidebar, two column masonry grid jekyll theme.
32.454 Descargas