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ar_jdbc_pg_array 0.1.1

ar_jdbc_pg_array includes support of PostgreSQL's int[], float[], text[], timestamptz[]...

8.062 Descargas

ar_json_serialize 0.0.3

ActiveRecord JSON serializer

11.296 Descargas

arjun 1.0.0

A simple hello world gem

1.969 Descargas

ark 0.0.1

Special purpose data store built on Git

5.628 Descargas

arkaan 3.3.0

This gem holds the model layer for my table-top RPG games application.

365.444 Descargas

arkadyan-color_palette 0.0.3

Describes the color palette of a given image.

7.147 Descargas

arkana 2.1.1

Store your keys and secrets away from your source code. Designed for Android and iOS pr...

201.693 Descargas

arkana-bitrise 1.1.2

Store your keys and secrets away from your source code. Designed for Android and iOS pr...

856 Descargas

arkayne_rails 0.3.0

Get recommendations from Arkayne. Sign up at

5.931 Descargas

ark-cli 0.6.8

A library for parsing options and arguments from the commandline. Parses ARGV and retur...

13.328 Descargas

arke 0.1.0

Arke is a service oriented api client, providing similar functionality to that of Activ...

17.196 Descargas

arkecosystem-client 1.0.0

A simple Ruby API client for the Ark Blockchain.

4.140 Descargas

arkecosystem-crypto 0.2.1

A simple Ruby Cryptography Implementation for the Ark Blockchain.

6.814 Descargas

arken 0.0.1

Ruby orchestration framework for HashiCorp based deployment pipelines.

3.848 Descargas

arkency-command_bus 0.4.1

Command Pattern - decoupling what is done from who does it.

5.598.457 Descargas

arkency-feature_toggle 0.1.0

A Simple feature toggle for a Rails app

4.044 Descargas

arkenstone 0.6.0

The Arkenstone is a Ruby on Rails development environment generator. Its goal is to pro...

16.634 Descargas

arkenstone-open 3.0.1

An Open Source ActiveRecord replacement over REST

498 Descargas

arKeyworder 1.0.0

Extract Keywords from Arabic Text

4.762 Descargas

arkham 0.1.0

A deck building game for your terminal.

1.809 Descargas

ark-jekyll-theme 0.0.2

ARK (Acts of Random Kindness). A minimal Jekyll theme with a focus on writing.

4.321 Descargas

arknmax 0.0.2

nmax function

4.071 Descargas

arkose 0.0.1

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

2.558 Descargas

arkrb 0.6.0

Gem wrapper for ark-server-tools

11.635 Descargas

ark-ruby 0.1.1

An Ark Client for Ruby

4.564 Descargas

ArkTools 0.1.1

Uses various template files to create ARK configuration files - Game.ini - GameUserSe...

4.823 Descargas

ark_to_rpm 0.1.0

A tool to convert archives to installable RPMs

2.681 Descargas

ark_tweet_nlp 0.3.2

Tags tweets word into multiple cathegories using NLP

26.983 Descargas

ark-util 0.3.0

Utility library for ark-* gems

8.359 Descargas

ar_lazy_preload 2.1.0

lazy_preload implementation for ActiveRecord models

1.744.151 Descargas