RubyGems Navigation menu


artascii 0.2.0

Project to generate Ascii art from images.

2.943 Descargas

artbase 0.3.0


4.971 Descargas

artbase-cocos 0.0.1

artbase-cocos - artbase (shared) code commons (cocos); read artbase collection configs ...

608 Descargas

artbase-importers 0.0.1

artbase-importers - artbase (SQL) database machinery 'n' support; build single-file SQL...

584 Descargas

art_css 1.0.1

A library that generates stylesheets for art websites. It can be used to display random...

5.416 Descargas

artdeco 1.3.1

Decorate models with views in a object oriented way

21.177 Descargas

art_deco 0.0.3

Implementation of the decorator design pattern.

13.892 Descargas

art-decomp 0.4.0

art décomp: an FSM → FPGA decomposer

30.828 Descargas

artdialog4 0.1.2


8.798 Descargas

artemis 1.0.2

GraphQL client on Rails + Convention over Configuration = ❤️

196.328 Descargas

artemis_api 0.7.5

An API wrapper for the ArtemisAg API

14.992 Descargas

artemis-api_auth 0.1.0

Net::HTTP adapter that adds Api Auth authentication for Artemis GraphQL Client

3.348 Descargas

artemis-bot 0.1.2

A Ruby wrapper for the Watson Conversation Service

5.043 Descargas

artemk-cache-money 0.2.14

Write-through and Read-through Cacheing for ActiveRecord

12.296 Descargas

artemk-ckeditor 3.5.5

CKEditor is a WYSIWYG editor to be used inside web pages

19.712 Descargas

artemk-migration_fu 0.1.1

Add and remove FK in MYSQL

17.004 Descargas

artemo 3.2.1

Don't look for emotions, where are not emotions. Simple program to analyze emotions ...

30.538 Descargas

artemv-diff_to_html 1.0.3

Generates HTML view of given unified diff

13.222 Descargas

artex 2.1.3

LaTeX preprocessor for PDF generation; Rails plugin

18.416 Descargas

artext 0.0.4

Extract article and other metadata from websites.

7.912 Descargas

artfactory 1.0.0

artfactory - generate your own art images from text attributes (via spritesheets); inc...

2.525 Descargas

artforge-csv-mapper 1.0.1

CSV Mapper makes it easy to import data from CSV files directly to a collection of any ...

4.679 Descargas

artforge-rtranslate 1.3.4

A simple, unofficial, ruby client API for using Google Translate.

15.618 Descargas

Artforge-rvideo 0.9.6

Gives you video

10.328 Descargas

artfully_ose 1.2.0

A Ruby on Rails engine for running ticketing, CRM, and order management. See http://fr...

88.211 Descargas

art-gun 0.1.8

A Ruby wrapper to access Art-Gun's API.

24.029 Descargas

arthropod 0.0.7

Easy remote task execution with SQS

13.255 Descargas

arthropod_hls_video_encoder 0.0.1

HLS video encoder using Arthropod

2.467 Descargas

arthropod_waifu2x 0.0.1

Use Waifu2X remotely Arthropod

2.418 Descargas

arthur 1.0.0

Consumes the Bugsnag API.

11.139 Descargas