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asn1-diag 0.0.4

asn1-diag implements some diagnostics for ASN1 BER (X.690) and DER

8.659 Descargas

asn1_parser 0.1.1

Parser of Asn1 objects.

2.921 Descargas

as_namespace 0.2.0

Omit the ruby name space by defining in the class

8.325 Descargas

as-notifications 1.0.2

Provides an instrumentation API for Ruby. It has been extracted from rails activesupport.

255.903 Descargas

asodhaosidisgdafiuusd 0.0.2

Fizzbuzz.start(start, finish, {'Fizz' => 3, 'Buzz' => 5})

1.307 Descargas


AASM is a continuation of the acts as state machine rails plugin, built for plain Ruby ...

12.071 Descargas

aspace_client 0.0.1

A lightweight utility to facilitate interaction with the ArchivesSpace backend API.

3.218 Descargas

aspartame 0.1.2

See readme for instructions.

12.878 Descargas

aspartame-refinery 0.1.2

All instances of main_app path changed to Refinery.

4.963 Descargas

aspec 0.4.0

Testing for API external surfaces

7.694 Descargas

a_special_day 0.0.2

Helper methods for Ruby Date class.

8.501 Descargas

aspeclib 0.0.1

A helper for unit testing that utilizes AOP and metaprogramming

4.250 Descargas

aspec_rb 0.0.18

This plugin is a group of Asciidoctor extensions that perform directory walking, ...

38.562 Descargas

aspect 0.0.3

A small collection of useful classes, modules, and mixins for plain old Ruby objects.

8.179 Descargas

aspect4r 0.10.0

AOP for ruby - use before, after and around to trim your fat methods and reduce code du...

34.618 Descargas

aspecta 0.0.2

image dimensions ActiveRecord validator for carrierwave gem

10.459 Descargas

aspecto-opentelemetry 0.2.0

Aspecto SDK and OpenTelemetry distribution for ruby programming language

15.697 Descargas

aspecto-opentelemetry-instrumentation-aws_sdk 0.4.5

AWS SDK instrumentation for the OpenTelemetry framework

56.535 Descargas

aspector 0.14.0


1.713.710 Descargas

aspectory 0.1.0

Callbacks for your classes

6.043 Descargas

aspectr 0.3.7

Essentially it allows you to wrap code around existing methods in your classes.

8.650 Descargas

aspect_ratio 1.0.4

Image aspect ratio calculation utility

22.663 Descargas

aspectual 0.1.1

A simple gem to support minimal Aspect Oriented Programming in ruby.

13.110 Descargas

aspekt 0.0.3

Before, after and around method calls. Supports Regexp matching.

13.915 Descargas

aspell_edit_dist 0.2.0

Gem that exposes limit_edit_distance function from Aspell.

16.007 Descargas

aspelllint 0.14

See for example usage

44.829 Descargas

aspen 0.2.6

Sets up a directory tree for coding projects based on customizable templates

51.998 Descargas

aspen-cli 0.1.2

Aspen is a simple markup language that renders into Cypher. Write narrative data, m...

1.641 Descargas

aspen-diskinfo 1.0.1

A colorful replacement for `lsblk`, `gdisk -l`, `blkid`, `df`, and `mount` that gives a...

2.154 Descargas

aspera-cli 4.17.0

Command line interface for IBM Aspera products

68.571 Descargas