RubyGems Navigation menu


assiname 0.1.0

Write a longer description. Optional.

2.577 Descargas

Assist 0.0.4

Simple API Wrapper for Dribbble

14.432 Descargas

assistance 0.1.5

light-weight application support

48.725 Descargas

assistant 0.0.2

Simple, composable services

3.142 Descargas

assisted_workflow 0.4.0

`aw` is a command line tool to automate software development workflows based on github ...

33.944 Descargas

assistly 0.2.6

A Ruby wrapper for the Assistly REST API

65.445 Descargas

assistor 0.2.1

Simple background processing framework for Ruby

6.017 Descargas

assist-ruby-sdk 0.2.0

The Assist Ruby SDK provides Ruby APIs to create, process and manage payments.

7.397 Descargas

assist_single_association 0.1.1

helps single association

3.918 Descargas

assit 0.1.2

Lightweight library that provides easy-to-use runtime assertions for Ruby

16.097 Descargas

ass_launcher 0.7.0

Don't ask why this necessary. Believe this necessary!

30.376 Descargas

ass_maintainer-info_base 1.0.0

Classes and utils for manipulate with 1C:Enterprise application instances also known as...

9.341 Descargas

ass_maintainer-info_bases 1.0.2

More about infobase see

4.568 Descargas

assoc 0.0.1

Key-value Array utility functions

5.627 Descargas

associate_by 0.1.1

Associate objects using a specific attribute

15.998 Descargas

associated_scope 0.0.1

ActiveRecord preloads works only with model associations, this gem allow to create dyna...

2.305 Descargas


This gem extends ActiveRecord to add additional functionality to JSONB - use PostgreSQ...

17.195 Descargas

associate_rb 0.0.4

Easily convert arrays into hashes

6.778 Descargas

associates 0.0.4

Associate multiple models together and make them behave as one.

11.166 Descargas

association_accessors 1.3.1

Provides association accessors like `Company#user_serials` and `User#company_serial` wh...

4.068 Descargas

association_callbacks 1.1.1

Provides a way to define callbacks of one ActiveRecord model into an associated one

41.358 Descargas

association_collection_tools 0.0.2

Adds fast_copy method to has_and_belongs_to_many associations cloning associations much...

11.012 Descargas

association_count 1.1.0

Get an ActiveRecord association count with ease and without worrying about N+1 queries....

23.778 Descargas

associationist 0.2.3

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

69.761 Descargas

association_matcher 0.0.1

Use reflection to spec ActiveRecord associations

2.624 Descargas

association_object 0.0.2

Define ActiveRecord associations through association objects, which can implement custo...

305 Descargas

association_observers 0.0.6

This is an alternative implementation of the observer pattern. As you may know, Ruby (a...

16.590 Descargas

association_reflections 0.1.0

This gem lets you access form parameters in your model.

5.331 Descargas

association-reporter 0.0.1

Detailed reports for Active Record Associations

3.172 Descargas

association_scope 0.4.0

AssociationScope adds useful scopes targeting Associations in ActiveRecord.

10.113 Descargas