RubyGems Navigation menu


atom-doc 0.1.4

Command line tool for generating text-based documentation

15.635 Descargas


the creative framework.

48.270 Descargas


for atome the creative framework

1.341 Descargas


Browser support for Opal.

649 Descargas

atom_feed 0.3.3

Ruby library for parsing Atom feeds.

11.544 Descargas

atomic 1.1.101

An atomic reference implementation for JRuby, Rubinius, and MRI

26.716.528 Descargas

atomic_admin 1.1.0

Engine to provide apis that power the atomic jolt admin app

3.271 Descargas

atomically 1.1.5

An ActiveRecord extension for writing commonly useful atomic SQL statements to avoid ra...

49.496 Descargas

atomic_arrays 1.1.0

AtomicArrays is a lightweight gem that aims to assist ActiveRecord ...

11.460 Descargas

atomic_assets 0.2.0

Organize, style, and consume atomically designed assets in Ruby on Rails.

17.731 Descargas

atomic_cache 0.6.0

A gem which prevents the thundering herd problem through a distributed lock

126.098 Descargas

atomic_cms 0.4.0

Live CMS powered by atomic assets.

22.467 Descargas

atomic_counter 0.1.0

Thread safe Counter for Ruby

2.485 Descargas

atomic_first_or_create 1.0

first_or_create does not guarantee uniqueness by itself, and if there is a uniqueness c...

3.389 Descargas

atomic_hamster 1.0.0

Because naming things is sometimes funny.

4.509 Descargas

atomic-jekyll-theme 0.1.1

Jekyll theme for simple blogs

4.874 Descargas

atomic_json 0.1.3

Atomic update of JSON/JSONB fields for ActiveRecord models

9.029 Descargas

atomic_lti 3.1.0

AtomicLti implements the LTI Advantage specification. This gem does contain source code...

11.636 Descargas

atomic_lti_1v1 1.2.0

Rack middleware to handle validating Lti 1.1 requests

3.477 Descargas

atomic_mem_cache_store 0.1.0

Rails memcached store optimized for the thundering herd issue. This limit cache recalcu...

17.419 Descargas

atomic-parsley-ruby 0.0.5

A wrapper api for the atomicparsley cli

18.868 Descargas

atomic_potato_view_tool 0.1.0

Provides generated HTML data for Rails applications.

2.847 Descargas

atomic_redis_cache 0.2.2

Use Redis as a multi-process atomic cache to avoid thundering herds and long calculations

13.292 Descargas

atomic_sass 0.2.0

Generators for making atomic sass easy

7.939 Descargas

atomic-sidekiq 1.3.0

Reliable fetcher for Sidekiq

14.532 Descargas

atomics_resource 0.0.2

Model Atomics (MySQL over HTTP) records for ruby and rails projects

9.921 Descargas

atomic_tenant 1.4.0

Description of AtomicTenant.

4.175 Descargas

AtomicTV 1.0.3

A command line tool to tag MP4 TV shows with metadata pulled from It uses ...

13.718 Descargas

atomic_view 0.0.2

Component library built for Ruby on Rails with first-class support for ActionView using...

438 Descargas

atomist-rubington 1.0.0

The idea is to add dc & surrounding areas (VA&MD) services into a gem.

4.009 Descargas