atp_rankings 0.1.0
Rubygem that provides info for the top 8 ATP singles athletes contending for the World ...
3.074 Descargas
atproto 0.0.1.pre
ATProto is a gem for interacting with servers that implement the AT protocol, such as b...
398 Descargas
atproto_auth 0.2.5
A Ruby library for implementing AT Protocol OAuth flows, including DPoP, PAR, and dynam...
1.152 Descargas
atproto_client 0.1.4
A Ruby client for the AT Protocol authenticated request
664 Descargas
A Ruby gem for interacting with AT Protocol
1.687 Descargas
atpruby 0.1.2
Allow easy use of the Sackmann ATP DB
9.666 Descargas
atp_scraper 0.7.2
atp_scraper is a tool scraping tennis data from
33.056 Descargas
atr 0.0.1
Pub sub and websockets
4.125 Descargas
at-random 1.1.1
Pick a random time subject to some constraints, and fork `at` with the remaining args.
13.501 Descargas
atrea_control 2.3.0
Read data from web controller of RD5 duplex by Atrea.
16.802 Descargas
atreides 2.0.5
Atreides is an engine providing a evented CMS following a KISS principle
24.991 Descargas
ATrigger 0.0.1
See for more info
5.045 Descargas
atrium 0.1.1
Atrium extends Blacklight-enabled applications by providing a means of generating c...
12.719 Descargas
atrium-ruby 2.10.7
A ruby wrapper for the MX API.
96.442 Descargas
ats 0.1.11
A CLI for interacting with ATS.
23.488 Descargas
atsd 1.0.10
Axibase Time Series Database Client for Ruby is an easy-to-use client for interfacing w...
27.185 Descargas
ats-gem 0.0.0
A simple hello world gem
2.260 Descargas
atspi 0.10.0
The atspi gem lets you comfortably call the Assistive Technology Service Provider Inter...
21.605 Descargas
atspi_app_driver 0.9.0
Test GirFFI-based applications using Atspi
39.659 Descargas
ats-sdk 1.1.0
ATS tracks activities using the Event Grammar.
1.599 Descargas
at-stripe 0.0.2
Simplified Stripe API
6.048 Descargas
att 0.0.1
run terminal commands 'att' a specific time
5.152 Descargas
attach 2.0.3
Attach documents & files to Active Record models
24.860 Descargas
attachable 0.0.5
Add methods to automatically manage a file as part of a Rails model
56.338 Descargas
attache 3.0.0
Standalone rack app to manage files onbehalf of your app
45.349 Descargas
attacheable 1.4
Fork of attachment_fu. It differs in following ways: 1. Can work with merb uploads ...
25.997 Descargas
attache_api 0.1.1
API for client lib to integrate with attache server
6.230 Descargas
attache-api 2.0.1
API for client lib to integrate with attache server
16.566 Descargas
attache_client 0.0.3
Client lib to use attache server
9.437 Descargas
attached 1.0.7
Attached is a Ruby on Rails cloud attachment and processor library inspired by Papercli...
300.851 Descargas