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axtro-acts-as-taggable-on 2.0.6

With ActsAsTaggableOn, you could tag a single model on several contexts, such as skills...

13.936 Descargas

axtro-ar_mailer 2.2.0

Even delivering email to the local machine may take too long when you have to send hund...

15.756 Descargas

axtro-aws-ses 0.4.4

Client library for Amazon's Simple Email Service's REST API

5.473 Descargas


Interface for working with Request Tracker (RT) tickets inspired by ActiveRecord.

20.350 Descargas


The rubber plugin enables relatively complex multi-instance deployments of RubyOnRails ...

68.786 Descargas

axtro-rvideo 0.9.6

Inspect and transcode video and audio files.

6.122 Descargas

AXTyper 0.8.0

Simulate keyboard input via the Mac OS X Accessibility Framework. This gem is a compone...

27.601 Descargas

axu-i18n-timezones 1.3.1

The purpose of this gem is to simply provide timezone translations. The gem is intended...

4.388 Descargas

ayadn 4.0.3 command-line client: toolbox to access and manage your ADN data, show your stre...

232.099 Descargas

ayah_integration 0.6.3

Integrate the CAPTCHA alternative human verification into your Ruby/Ra...

41.566 Descargas

ayanami 0.1.1

A Telegram Bot API that focuses on simplicity

2.975 Descargas


WebDriver-backed Watir

5.981 Descargas

aye 0.0.0


4.023 Descargas

aye_commander 1.1.1

A gem that helps to write commands in ruby.

18.262 Descargas

aygabtu 0.3.0

Feature test generator for GET requests, using Capybara and RSpec

8.396 Descargas

ayl 0.4.0

Invoke code At Your Leisure. ayl is a small framework that simplifies the process of im...

81.399 Descargas

ayl-beanstalk 0.4.1

Ayl extension to provide beanstalk support for applications requiring async processing.

108.922 Descargas

aylien_news_api 5.2.3

AYLIEN's officially supported Ruby client library for accessing News API

71.682 Descargas

aylien_text_api 1.0.0

AYLIEN Text Analysis API is a package of Natural Language Processing and Machine Learni...

182.507 Descargas

ayl-rails 0.3.0

Partner to ayl to allow ActiveRecord after_* hooks to be made asynchronous.

27.770 Descargas

ayn-flickr_fu 0.3.9

Provides a ruby interface to flickr via the REST api

13.294 Descargas

ayril 0.1.2

An XML library for MacRuby that is built on top of Cocoa NSXML classes

9.867 Descargas

aysendinblue 0.0.1

Let you access Seninblue API

4.194 Descargas

Aython-Houttekier-thermostat-exercise 0.0.0

a ruby gem for a thermostat application

2.495 Descargas

az 2.1.0

[Unicode 16.0] Generate Alternative Unicode Representations of A - Z

7.542 Descargas

azahara_schema 0.5.1

This gem should provide complete tools for quick developement of easy registry app in RoR.

95.963 Descargas

azami 0.0.3

An EM gem

4.320 Descargas

azbuild 1.0.3

Build, Configuration and Deployment Gem for .Net Solutions

9.504 Descargas

az-cv-theme 1.0.0

A beautiful, cv theme for Jekyll. NOT DONE YET.

2.964 Descargas

azd 0.9.2

Contains generators to make a rails application azd compatible

842 Descargas