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ActiveDirectory uses Net::LDAP to provide a means of accessing and modifying an Active ...

222.010 Descargas

ActiveDirectoryForRuby 0.1.8

Active Directory For Ruby

11.020 Descargas

active_directory_login 0.1.8

Devise based AD User Logins

49.660 Descargas

activedoc 0.0.1.pre1

Write a longer description or delete this line.

1.818 Descargas

active_doc 0.1.0

DSL for executable documentation of your code.

10.258 Descargas

activedocument 1.0

Object Mapper for XML Database. Initially setup for connection to MarkLogic

115.323 Descargas

active_document 0.1.2

Schemaless models in Berkeley DB.

26.600 Descargas

active_documentum 0.3.3

Active Documentum

36.237 Descargas

active_domain 0.5.3

A framework that allows to write a domain server, that processes commands and creates e...

57.941 Descargas

active-domain 0.1.0

Conventions to model your business domain outside an application

3.845 Descargas

active-domain-active-record 0.1.0

adds rails-like workflow conveniences

3.829 Descargas

active-domain-rails 0.1.0

rails plugin for active-domain

3.866 Descargas

active_dry_deps 0.1.0

ActiveDryDeps not modify constructor and support Dependency Injection for modules. ...

500 Descargas

active_dry_form 1.0.0

Form validation for Rails with Dry-Validation

1.762 Descargas

active-dump 0.2.3

dump and restore activerecord from/to yaml ...

25.882 Descargas

activeduty 0.1.2

Service objects.

5.917 Descargas

active_dynamic 0.5.9

Gem that allows to attach dynamic attributes to ActiveRecord model

44.012 Descargas

active-dynamo 0.0.1

An ActiveRecord like ODM for AWS DynamoDB

2.040 Descargas

active_dynamodb 0.0.1

Rails ORM for Amazon's DynamoDB.

10.265 Descargas

active_elastic_job 3.3.0

Run background jobs / tasks of Rails applications deployed in Amazon Elastic Beanstalk ...

1.780.246 Descargas

active_elastic_job2 2.0.3

Run background jobs / tasks of Rails applications deployed in Amazon Elastic Beanstalk ...

22.209 Descargas

active_elastic_job_clone 2.0.2

Run background jobs / tasks of Rails applications deployed in Amazon Elastic Beanstalk ...

3.116 Descargas

active_elastic_job_fifo 2.0.2

Run background jobs / tasks of Rails applications deployed in Amazon Elastic Beanstalk ...

2.705 Descargas

active_elastic_job_for_fifo 2.0.1

Run background jobs / tasks of Rails applications deployed in Amazon Elastic Beanstalk ...

2.677 Descargas

active_elastic_job_gunner 3.0.1

Run background jobs / tasks of Rails applications deployed in Amazon Elastic Beanstalk ...

1.918 Descargas

active_element 0.0.27

Provides boilerplate for common HTML components for front end applications.

11.876 Descargas

active_emoji 0.0.2

A collection of emoji aliases for core Ruby methods. Makes Ruby code easier to read and...

8.055 Descargas

active_encode 1.2.2

This gem provides an interface to transcoding services such as Ffmpeg, Amazon Elastic T...

243.462 Descargas

active-encode 0.0.1

This gem serves as the basis for the interface between a Ruby (Rails) application and a...

4.196 Descargas

active_encryption 0.1.0

ActiveEncryption transparently encrypt (and decrypt!) attributes with ActiveSupport:...

3.021 Descargas