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activejob-google_cloud_tasks 0.1.8

Google Cloud Tasks adapter for ActiveJob

34.832 Descargas

activejob-google_cloud_tasks-http 0.2.0

ActiveJob adapter for Google Cloud Tasks HTTP targets.

81.208 Descargas

active_job-inlined 0.1.0

ActiveJob::Inlined lets you run jobs inline within other jobs.

849 Descargas

activejob-interactor 0.0.1

Run your interactors as background jobs via active job

4.338 Descargas

active_job_k8s 0.2.0

ActiveJob adapter for kubernetes job

2.048 Descargas

active_job_kubernetes 0.1.0

Run Rails Active Jobs as Kubernetes Jobs

2.197 Descargas

active_job_lock 0.1.0

An ActiveJob plugin. Adds locking, with optional timeout/deadlock handling. Using a ...

3.344 Descargas

activejob-lock 0.0.2

Adapt resque-lock with ActiveJob

68.238 Descargas

activejob-lockable 0.3.0

Prevents jobs from enqueuing with unique arguments for a certain period of time

202.509 Descargas

activejob-locking 0.6.2

activejob-locking lets you control how ActiveJobs are enqueued and performed: Allow on...

223.288 Descargas

activejob-locks 0.0.4

Activejob Locks is an ActiveJob addon that will lock workers based on queue or work pay...

12.362 Descargas

active_job_log 3.0.0

Rails engine to register jobs history, adding: job state, error feedback, duration, etc.

186.750 Descargas

active_job_metadata 0.2.0

ActiveJobMetadata lets you store and retrieve metadata associated with ActiveJob jobs r...

5.682 Descargas

activejob-multiq 0.0.1

Use different ActiveJob adapters for different jobs.

4.165 Descargas

activejob-null 0.0.1

An ActiveJob adapter that discards all jobs.

567 Descargas

activejob-perform_later 1.0.2

Take advantage of Active Job you can perform any class method later.

131.646 Descargas

active_job-performs 0.3.1

ActiveJob::Performs adds the `performs` macro to set up jobs by convention.

15.715 Descargas

active_job-query 1.0.0.alpha2

ActiveJob::Query allows you query enqueued jobs and cancel jobs.

4.886 Descargas

active_job_reporter 0.1.2

Minimalistic approach to ActiveJob monitoring, database based to avoid additional depen...

7.130 Descargas

activejob-resque-disconnect 0.1.0

If you're using ActiveRecord with Resque, a new database connection will get opened ...

13.386 Descargas

active_job_resque_solo 1.0.2

If you are using ActiveJob with the Resque Adapter, this gem will prevent jobs, based o...

57.293 Descargas

activejob-retriable 5.0.4

Retry failed jobs with an exponential back-off. This gem aims to mimic most of the func...

24.088 Descargas

activejob-retry 0.6.3

activejob-retry provides automatic retry functionality for failed ActiveJobs, with ...

2.602.994 Descargas

active_job-rnf 0.3.0

Assuming that a queued job has lost its raison d'être when its argument had been delete...

12.753 Descargas

activejob-scheduler 0.0.1

A scheduling apparatus for ActiveJob based on Rufus. Resque::Scheduler for everyone!

11.938 Descargas

activejob_spec 1.0.0

RSpec matcher for ActiveJob

3.941 Descargas

activejob-stats 8.0.1

Placeholder by RubyGems Security Team

6.001 Descargas

active_job_status 1.2.1

Job status and batches for ActiveJob. Create trackable jobs, check their status, and ba...

244.120 Descargas

activejob-status 1.0.2

Monitor your jobs

924.120 Descargas

active_job_store 0.5.0

ActiveJob Store permits to store jobs state and custom data on a database

3.212 Descargas